Wednesday, October 1, 2008

End of Sept Pics

I can't believe that the month is over! Fall is here and I think I can feel winter in the air.
Just a few more pictures from this month to share.
9/27: Dylon loves to put everything in his mouth. One day, we're going to find 4 more teeth in his mouth ... they are so close! I couldn't resist capturing this picture of our "Little Cornhusker".
9/27: Saturdays are defiantely football day in our house. "Go Big Wed"! Braden loves to cheer for the Huskers. He has learned how to do the signals for touchdown (reach both hands in the air, and then sometimes -- touch the floor), defense, and first down.
9/27: It's going to be too cold soon for naked boy diaper pictures, so had to take a few more!
9/30: I had a little helper while I was folding the laundry. He decided that Daddy's pants fit him just right! He had so much fun jumping and dancing around.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Oh Trista...the kids are getting so big! Adorable!

Thanks for letting us know you updated the blog!

Praying this finds you all well!