Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2/14: Valentine's Day

I've always enjoyed Valentine's Day.  This year I am again reminded of how blessed I am to have FOUR special loved ones.  What amazing gifts from God!  To celebrate the day, we gave each of the kids something special for the day.

For Braden, a DVD w/ "big" boy movies.  He has only watched Little Rascals so far, but really enjoyed it!

For Dylon, a Handy Manny fix it boat.  He loves to take it apart and put it back together again.

And for SweetPea, her first baby doll.  I love that it has brown hair.  Now watch, she'll probably be a blond. 

2/15: Dylon's Flu

Dylon woke up crying in the middle of the night.  I laid in bed thinking, "If I just leave him, will he go back to sleep?"  After a few minutes I decided I needed to go and check.  And good thing I did.  By the time I reached him he was standing in the hallway crying ... puke all over his pajamas, and his bed, and his blankets!   Somehow, and fortunately, he avoided the floor and his beloved dog woofie. 

Thankfully, this was a night when Daddy wasn't traveling so he took care of our little guy while I cleaned up the mess.  I was so thankful for Chad throughout the night.  The flu is not something he normally can tolerate, but he knew how tired I was and pitched right in.  He took the first shift and slept with Dylon for the next few hours -- dealing with everything like a pro!  He even worked from home the following day so that he was here to help out.  Wow!  I am so blessed to have a husband that shares in raising our boys -- even in the rough times.  I love you Chad!!!

2/18: Organization Monster

So, I don't know if the following story says more about my 4 year old or his mommy! 

We had home group for church at our house on Sunday.  It was fun to havea houseful and we are excited for the friendships we are building.  They boys enjoyed having their friends over and playing with them upstairs.  The kids and parents were extremely helpful and cleaned up the playroom before the left (THANK YOU!)
However, the next few days my OCD boy had a problem.  His toys were not put away like Mommy does it and he had a hard time finding what he was looking for.  So, he asked me to solve the problem:

"Mommy, dis is not wight.  Can you make pictuwes for the shelves like we have at shool so that all my fwiends know where to put my toys, pwease." 

I don't know what is worse ... that I have created an organization loving "monster" or that I actually complied with his wishes!  Either way, I now have a very happy boy with his shelves all labeled and all the toys in their proper places.   And mommy doesn't mind it either!  Dylon even seems to be happy knowing where to put everything when we sing the clean up song. 

So if you ever come to our house for a playdate, look for the pictures so that you don't get in trouble with Braden!  He will be sure to tell you if you don't clean up just the right way.

2/20: Dylon's "bone"

There are times that our kids say the funniest things and I think, I really need to write that down!  Many times (ok most times) I forget and it doesn't happen.  But this one, I did remember to capture. 

Dylon was fussing this morning and just more whiney than normal.  He didn't really want to eat breakfast.  He was walking around and then looked up at us and said, "I want my bone!"   At least that's what we thought he said -- but since it didn't seem to make much sense, we asked him to repeat it.  "My BONE!" he sayed emphatically -- "stwawbery one".  Still, two confused parents.  We offered him all sorts of things and tried to figure it out to no avail.  He finally started pulling on the freezer door and said over and over, "my bone, my bone!"  I opened the freezer door and asked him to show us.  He reached inside and pulled out the teether toys from the door.  "My stwawbery bone!" he exclaimed and stuck the strawberry shaped teething toy in his mouth with a smile.  Then he changed his mind and got out the bear one with deep contement.  As you can imagine, we found this hilarious.  I guess to a 2 year old with a dog -- anything you chew on must be a bone. 

So, if you are ever watching our kids and Dylon asks for a bone -- head to the freezer please, not the doggy treats!

(Not to be left out ... Braden had to get in on the photo shoot!)

2/20: Big Boy Bunkbeds

We've been watching and finally found bunkbeds for the boys on craigslist.  We got a great deal on a set that was just what we were looking for.  The drawers and desk will give us extra needed storage in the room.   Chad and our friend Adam went to pick them up this afternoon.  We now have two very excited little guys!

Braden will get to the sleep in the top bunk.  And in a few days we will undertake moving Dylon into the lower bed.  I'm a little nervous about sleep vs. play -- but they'll get the hang of it! 

The boys are excited to have a "boys" room and leave the nursery for the "girl".  Even writing that, it still seems a little strange to think of how are lives are going to change in a few months.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

2/12-2/13: Albuquerque, NM

We made a quick trip down to New Mexico to see my Great-Aunt Jane.  We haven't been to see her since Dylon was just learning to crawl.  It had been too long between visits with such a special woman!

The boys did great in the car -- we didn't even have to use the DVD player on the way down!  With Ma's help they counted mile markers, timed how long it took to pass semi's, drew pictures, ate snacks, went up and down the hills, and were incredibly good little boys! 

When we got there, they were anxious to go see the fish (in the ponds at the condo unit).  Unfortuantely, it was too cold and they were down deep in the water.  The boys did get to see a bunch of ducks and enjoyed feeding them some bread crumbs. 

After dinner, 2 tired boys got to go swimming for awhile.  They both enjoyed jumping in over and over again.  It is fun to see how much more adventerous they have become in the past 6 months.  Braden jumped in without his swim belt and didn't mind ggoing completely underwater and kicking his way back to the surface.  Dylon loved having the water splash into his face.  He was shivering after about 10 minutes inspite of the warm water, but didn't seem to mind -- he was having too much fun.

Saturday, we went to lunch at Applebee's. On the way there, Braden was asked what he wanted for lunch.  Without hesitation ... "Steak".  Hmm, is he his daddy's boy or what?!  

It was a fast visit, with lots of driving ... but we had so much fun.  Some people are just worth the time and effort.  Aunt Jane is one of those people! 

I'm looking forward to another visit soon when we can take our new little bundle for an introduction! 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2/9: Day 4

We are currently at day 4 of Operation Goodbye Paci.  I was hoping we'd hit the magic day 3 and life would be back to normal.  However, the squirming, fussy, awake little boy upstairs conveys otherwise!  While we no longer have to resort to putting him back in the crib, sleep is still not coming easily to poor Dylon.  He seems at a loss to know how to relax without his beloved paci.  Even "Woofie" - his beloved stuffed puppy - isn't filling the void.  A few more days to go and maybe we'll turn the corner!  But if not, Dylon might win and Paci might come back!  I'm not ready to trade an empty mouth for my perfectly good sleeper!!

On a funny note, Braden came over to my belly tonight.  He asked if the baby was kicking and I told him no, that she was sleeping.  He paused for a moment, then leaned over and pushed my belly button.  "Ding Dong!  Baby, you there?"  So sincere - so serious - so completely adorable!  I laughed so hard I was almost in tears.  How I love his amazing little mind. 

2/6: Bye, Bye Paci -- Hello Batman

Today we officially are getting rid of Paci.  Dylon was excited to give his paci to the Walmart cashier in exchange for his new Batman action figure.  He agreed that he is a "big boy" and no longer needs paci.  
Well, he agreed to all of this until naptime.  Then there where tears, body flailing, and very little sleeping.  My normally thank you for putting me to bed, right to sleep, peaceful little boy is no more!  After 4 hours he finally fell asleep for about 1 hour.  I wonder ... is it really worth it? 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

2/4: 3 Boys

Braden's friend Connor is spending the day with us.  He was coughing through the night, so no daycare today!  Mom, Melissa, had tons of meetings and Dad, Bill, is oversees serving our country. 
It is fun to see my boys "taking care" of their friend.  And to try to keep us all healthy -- the hand sanitizer and orange juice is out in full force!  The boys have been playing superheros all morning and there has been very little fighting.  Maybe 3 boys is better than 2!   Think this is what will happen when we add a girl to the mix?  It does make me look ahead and wonder what is in store for life with 3 kids all the time?!

Monday, February 1, 2010

1/30: Ice Skating

Saturday morning, 11:30am
52 degrees
Sunny with a slight breeze
Ice skating outside at Southlands Mall
Uncle Jer and Miss Erin happily with us
Does life get much better?

Braden was excited for his first ice skating adventure.

Dylon was unexcited and refused to even try stepping on the ice. 

Daddy and Braden - Ready to give it a try!

Making it around the rink -- no falls yet!
Braden was very proud that he was one of the BIG boys!

Braden decided to give try out the bucket --
once he got the hang of it, he was cruising around the ice.

Uncle Jeremy loved helping out his Godson.

Dylon had no desire to get out on the ice. 
He preferred to stay on the bench hidin' under the coats. 

Peek-a-boo ... nope, still not ready to try ice skating! 

Uncle Jer and Miss Erin got a few "romantic" moments away from the boys. 

Dylon finally decided to give the ice a try --
he'll do almost anything to be with Miss Erin. 
(Uncle Jer better watch out ...
someone might be moving in on his girl!)

Dylon decided he needed to use a bucket too --
he just had different plans for it than Braden had. 

Braden copied Dylon and got a ride too.

And before long, a race was underway. 
I'm not sure who was having the most fun.

We had a great time!  Living by family in CO is so much fun. 
The amazing weather isn't too bad either. 

1/29: Mason's Homecoming (updated 2/4)

My brother Dan and sister-in-law Tara flew home from Ethiopia today with new nephew Mason!  We were so glad that there flight came through the Denver Airport and we were able to meet up with them during their layover.  Braden and Dylon both made their own signs to welcome Mason: 
Notice Mason's name written on the top right and Braden's name on the lower right. 
He wrote these all by himself! 

Dylon went for the handprint technique to sign his poster.

Dan, Braden, Tara, Mason, Dylon, Miss Erin (Jeremy's Girlfriend)

Proud Uncles and Daddy  (Dan, Jer, Matt)

We are so excited that precious Mason is HOME!  He is such a sweet little boy.  I think he's confused by the English language -- he kept looking at us with a funny look.  We did get quite a few smiles and an almost laugh out of him though!   We are happy for Dan and Tara and the new family that God has created.  We look forward to watching him grow and are so thankful he's apart of our family. 

We got a little extra time with all of them too when their flight was cancelled.  They spent the night with us and then drove on to Garden City in the morning.  It is nice that we live in CO now instead of WI and are so close to the airport!  We are looking forward to seeing them again, soon we hope. 

(More pictures to follow when I get copies of them ...)
2/4/10:  Here's a few more pictures from the airport with Mason.

Proud & happy Aunt to be able to love on her new nephew!

Uncle Matt found a fun way to entertain Braden and Dylon.  If I don't watch, they won't get hurt, right!?