Thursday, May 14, 2009

Missing Grandpa

I'm so far behind on blogging right now. There is so much to share about our trip to WI, packing the house, a big Allied moving truck, saying goodbye to our house and a piece of us. But all of that will have to wait.

Right now, my heart and thoughts are on tomorrow. It's been so hectic the past few days I've been able to kind of push my emotions aside, but they are slowing catching up with me.

Grandpa, I miss you! Scottsbluff doesn't seem the same without you here. I am so thankful that you are no longer hurting and that you are able to be with Grandma again. As Braden says, "Papa is happy in Heaven with Jesus!" But that doesn't make it hurt any less today. I can't even write any more now, so I'll just leave with a link to the obituary. Schlager