Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dylon Eats!

Well, the boys (all 3 of them!) are napping, so I'll try to get a quick blog done.

Dylon is growing so fast. He loves to talk and hold his toes.

3/22/08: Love these toes!

He's been watching with interest whenever we are eating. He moves his little tongue around and smacks his lips. So, we decided to start him on cereal. He loved it - and was very upset when it was all gone! I think these little boys might eat us out of house and home someday. Braden thought it was so fun that Dylon gets to eat now - he even helped Mommy feed Dylon. What a good helper. I am so thankful that he loves his little brother so much.

3/21/08: First Bites!

3/21/08: Yummy!

3/21/08: What do you mean it's all gone!?

Braden got a nice bump on his forehead the other day (3/19). He was playing at the neighbor's house and was so interested in the cars he was driving on the floor that he crawled right into the curio cabinet. It's looking better now - but I'm glad that we had already rescheduled family pictures. It should be gone by next Saturday.

3/20/08: Braden's Ouchy!

I had fun picking out matching clothes for the boys. They looked so cute this morning! Daddy wore a similar tie and my boys were quite the handsome trio. The boys even took me shopping last night so that I had an outfit to match them too. We didn't get a family picture taken today, but I'm sure we'll get one next weekend and I'll upload it then.

3/23/08: Happy Easter!

3/23/08: Hey Braden - can I have a bite?

Here's just a few more pictures for you that I thought were cute:

3/11/08: Camo Overalls

3/18/08: Peek-A-Boo!

3/18/08: Dylon - what a face!

3/21/08: Braden's Suckers!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Just an update

It's been a few days, so I thought I better update you on life in our house.

Braden's rash is gone. It cleared up about 3 days later. He did get some more "random" spots on his tummy, back, and thigh - but only about 10 in total. We made a trip to the doctor just to check it out. Especially since we had been at church the day before - I wanted to make sure it wasn't chicken pox so we knew if all the other mom's needed to know. Guess it was just one of those strange childhood rashes.

Chad and I went on a REAL date last week! We started trading babysitting with another couple at church. So, once or twice a month they watch the boys while we go out. Then later in the week, we watch their daughter so they can go out. It's nice to not have to spend the extra money on a babysitter! We've had several nights out lately, but this was special because it was just the two of us. We tried a new restaurant at the Bayshore mall. They built a new area with a restaurant, bowling alley, and movie theatre. The food was good and it was quiet. We'll have to try the bowling out sometime too. They have a full room sized screen with sports showing (Chad would love that!) and couches to sit on at the bowling areas (how nice is that?!) So if any of you come visit - we can take you out for a night of fun!

Braden is starting to talk a little more. He's still our caveman with his one word answers - but some of them at least are starting to have more than one syllabal. One of my favorite things he says right now is "Ya" and "Oh". Do you want some more? "Ya" That's not what that's for. "Oh". Both are just so simple and matter of fact. Braden is still slowly working on potty training. He finally filled in his 1st chart and got to go buy a new train.
02/28/08: Braden's new train and completed potty chart

03/07/08: Braden's "Smile" Face -- CHEESE!

Dylon is growing so quickly. He is getting quite the set of lungs! He is constantly talking and making noises. And he loves to scream! It's hard to teach Braden not to scream when his little brother keeps doing it. Dylon is also teething like crazy. His first tooth (bottom, middle, right) poked through on Wed, 3/5. The other bottom middle tooth is almost there. And the top middles aren't far behind - you can see the shadow outline on his gums. He's been fairly happy though. He occasionally wakes up at night - but goes back to sleep once you put his pacifier in his mouth. During the day he chews his fingers non-stop and has more drool than you'd think possible. Thank goodness for bibs! (Speaking of which - there are some great bibs by Carters that have a waterproof lining so it doesn't leak through! They are awesome!!!)

03/06/08: Smiley little boy!

03/11/08: Big brother helping Dylon with his teether.

Our cold weather is starting to give way to spring. It's been in the 30's the last few days and should hit the 40's this week. Our snow is finally starting to melt too! We can see the deck. Our driveway is clear of ice (after using 4 40# bags of salt last Sunday). Overall, we have had more than 90" of snow this season. Spring can't get here soon enough!

02/29/08: Braden by the snow pile at the end of the driveway

Well, that's all for now. I'll try to get some videos uploaded in the next couple days!