Sunday, April 24, 2011

Another ER Visit

Braden woke up this morning with a HUGE goose-egg under his stitches.  Appropriate, I guess, to have a hidden egg in your head on Easter!?  But, alarming to your parents when there had been NO swelling since about Thursday.  We called the doctor in the morning and agreed to keep on eye on it.  However, around 7pm, we noticed that the swelling was migrating down into his forehead, nose, and eye sockets.  So, the doctor sent us back to the ER. 

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It’s never great when the ER nurses and doctors are puzzled.  A CT-Scan was ordered to rule out any bleeding or fractures. 

Braden was excite to take Boof for a ride with him to the xray room. 

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He layed perfectly still, “just like a statue”, and never complained.  The xray staff was amazed at his good behavior.  He even received a Lion finger puppet as a reward and quickly named his new friend, Simba. 

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Feeling a bit hungry, he enjoyed a snack of mini-cheezits.  Unfortunately, a CLEAN pan was all I could find for him to eat out of.  Kinda gross to us, but he wasn’t bothered by it a bit!

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CT-Scan was negative and we were able to go home.  He was very patient with the wait and enjoyed his alone time with Daddy & Mommy again.  We even got to watch a new movie – Shark Tales. 

All of this was a bit worry some for Daddy & Mommy.  We are so thankful for the friends and family who supported us in prayer during this time.  It gave us a peace we would never have had otherwise. 

4/25/11:  The  swelling stayed the same under the wound, but his nose and eyes got even more swollen.  It was strange to look at my boy and have him not really look like himself. 

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4/26/11:  A follow-up with his doctor today confirmed that everything is ok.  They are pretty sure that a blood vessel started to re-bleed on Saturday night and caused the new swelling.  Because of gravity, it moved down into his eyes and nose.  Should clear up in a few weeks.  So thankful that our boy is ok!

Easter Dinner w/ Grandpa & Grandma

Grandpa & Grandma came over for Easter Dinner today.  It was fun to see them for a bit.

Braden had to show Grandpa how to play the video game.

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Dylon was a tease, but finally gave some hugs.

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Lila snuggled into Grandpa and melted his heart (again!)  Hmmm, I have a feeling he was having a few flashbacks to the day when another girl was in his arms like this!

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Lila decided that she needed to sit like a big girl on the stool next to Grandma.  So big – too soon!

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I took advantage of the day and was able to get a picture of all 3 kids with the grandparents.  All 3 “almost” look happy!  But at least no one is screaming!

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Easter Day

Easter morning arrived and the boys rushed downstairs to see what the Easter bunny had left them.  By the time that the Easter bunny and everyone else left them a few things – it was almost like Christmas in our house. 

The boys were excited with their frisbee golf and wiggly sprinkler.  Now if it would only warm up again so that we can play with them outside. 

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Great-Auntie Cathy decorated some mailboxes for the kids.  Orange slices inside were a huge hit!

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Lila was very excited with her M&M egg from Uncle Josh & Aunt Kristi.  She sat on the floor for a LONG time putting it in the bucket and taking it back out. 

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Dylon, however, was not very happy with the Easter Bunny.  He actually called the bunny to tell him that he was naughty and shouldn’t have brought Lila M&M’s.  “Because she is a baby and they don’t eat chocolate.  That was not very nice.  You need to bring her a new treat.”  Such a protective big brother!

Lila also enjoyed giving her new pink lamb lots of kisses!

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Before leaving for church, we were able to grab a quick picture of the kids.  I’m partial – but I think they are way too cute!

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After church Lila posed for a few more pictures.  I love having a little girl to dress up! 

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This is Lila’s “cute girl” expression. 

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I am so thankful that my daughter has such an amazing Daddy!  You can see the pride and love every time he holds his precious girl. 

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Easter was a great day!  What a gift we received through our RISEN Savior!  It was a busy day at church, but we were able to be a part of sharing God’s love with over 287 people at The Edge during 3 services.  

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

We headed out for an Easter Egg Hunt at the YMCA this morning.  There will be one at church tomorrow, however with the business of the day and Daddy & Mommy’s responsibilities – we wanted a morning to just enjoy watching our boys as they raced to collect eggs. 

Our friends, the Spillman family, joined us for the fun.  It is fun to have friends the same age as our boys – they all get along so well together too. 

Dylon & Rohan waiting for the hunt to begin:

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Dylon was so excited, that he ran PAST more eggs than he picked up and put in his bucket! 

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Dylon was very proud of himself!  He ended up with quite a few eggs in his bucket and had such a fun time running around.

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Braden & Aragorn waiting for their turn.

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A family Easter snapshot. 

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Braden scouted out his “area” and was ready to go!  He raced away from the other kids and grabbed a lot of eggs.  You could hear his excited laugh the entire time!

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Can you tell that he was proud of his efforts?!  We were VERY proud of him too when he went to give a few of his eggs to another child who only got one or two.  Such a generous heart!

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A fun morning together as a family!  And so blessed to enjoy it with our friends too!

Making Easter Eggs

One of my favorite traditions from Easter and growing up was coloring Easter Eggs.  I loved to watch the egg take on a new color, mix colors, and make patterns on the eggs.

Tonight, we continued the tradition with the boys.  Braden remembered it from a few years ago.  He was exited to do his OWN eggs this year.  Dylon wasn’t really sure what was going on (last year we skipped – pregnant Mommy just wasn’t up for it!).  Once Dylon realized what was going on though, he was thrilled.  Next year, we are going to need to do a few more eggs.  6 eggs each was just not enough! 

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I promise that we do feed Dylon!  However, from the looks of this picture, you’d never know it.

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Braden was excited to have a “chick” egg sticker just like the one the his bunny tells a story about.  The bunny talks and tells how traditional Easter items relate to the true meaning of Easter as it centers on Jesus’ resurrection. 

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Boys will be Boys!

Chad was flying to Austing tonight at 7:30pm.
Pa & Ma were flying home from Cali at 6:00pm
Mommy and the kids went to the airport to eat dinner with Daddy and pick up the grandparents

Dinner is over.  Mommy is in the bathroom.  Daddy is with Dylon.  Pa is getting Lila snuggles. 
Everyone is having a great time. 

Especially Braden ... He was swinging between the tables and thought he was big stuff.  You know, you put one hand on either table, lift your feet, and swing.  1, 2, 3, 4 - all great swings.  And then, on number 5 ... CRASH!

Yes, boys will be boys!  Braden fell and cracked his head open on the hard tile floor.  We later discovered that he must have hit his head on the corner of the metal chair on the way down as a "chunk" was missing. 

So, we enjoyed a brief visit with the airport paramedics, dropped the younger two kids off with the grandparents at the house, and went to Children's Hospital ER in Parker. 

Braden was a very brave boy.  He cried for a quite a bit at the airport, but then settled down.  He actually laughed and played with Lila on the way to the house.  His video game kept him entertained on the way to the ER.  He sat patiently and waited for triage and again to get back into an exam room. He asked me to take a picture so he could see what it looked like.  When I showed him the picture he said "Oh, there is a crack!" 

He flinched when they looked at the wound but never cried or tried to move away.  He layed perfectly still while they washed the wound with cold water and let them apply the numbing gel with only a few "owies".   We kinda liked the Ninja look ... maybe he could be one for Halloween -- minus the hole in his head!

When it came time to stitch, he layed completely still.  The numbing gel didn't work completely and you could tell that the needle going in and out was painful -- but he took it like a champ.  He is a one tough kid!

We headed home with 3 blue stitches and a soon to be battle scar.  But, I hear that chick's dig scars!  And it's so close to his hairline that I don't think it will be a big deal.  Makes me wish I had gotten to that haircut he needs a little sooner though.  Not sure I'm excited to cut around a newly healing head wound. 

We are so thankful that he is ok and nothing serious.  We were a bit concerned b/c he was initially complaining of neck and stomach pain too.  So glad that it's a temporary headache and he'll be back to himself -- probably in the morning! 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April Moments

4.11.11   Brooke doesn’t realize that she is a DOG!   I was folding laundry tonight and she layed beside me on the couch.  More often than not, she tries to find a “people” place to hang out. 

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4.13.11   Braden helped Mommy make Lasagna for dinner.  We had to get rid of the extra noodles together.

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4.14.11   Lila is on the move.  She is a pro at moving backwards and often finds herself stuck against walls or under furniture.  I am starting to wonder if she’ll ever figure out how to go forwards?

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4.15.11  Braden went on his first “friend” sleepover tonight.  He was so excited to go to Connor’s house that he ran out the door without giving us hugs goodbye.  He had a fun time eating pizza, watching scooby doo, and sharing a bed with Connor. 

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4.16.11  The boys used some of their money from past holidays and birthdays to buy a picnic table today.  They were excited to have friends Owen & Boston Treadwell over and eat dinner outside.  They thought they were pretty cool sitting outside under their own umbrella. 

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4.17.11  Our Home Group met tonight (as we do every Sunday night).  We stuffed 1200 eggs with candy while we discussed the sermon questions.  It is such a fun group and we are so glad that we can spend time together each week! 

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Overnight at Pa & Ma’s House

The kids and I spent the night in Colo Springs.  We had a fun time hanging out with the grandparents. 
Pa and the boys planted seeds for the garden.  Some flowers, vegies, and “gourd snakes”.  Perfect timing too as Braden just finished a week long series on seeds & plants in preschool. 
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Dylon tired of the planting and came in to relax a bit.  That smile gets me EVERY time!
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Lila is working on trying to crawl.  She can move in circles and goes backwards often.  She can stretch farther than you’d ever think possible.  But moving forward is still not happening.  Although, I kinda like being able to sit her on the floor with her toys for an hour and not have to worry. 
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Cousin GiGi’s big blue bunny made a fun snuggle friend. 
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Should have brought our tea set – the 3 of them look like they are ready for a party. 
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Braden and Pa got in some special snuggle time while they watched “The Fox and the Hound”.
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Dylon opted for a bath instead of movie time.  He loves to close the doors and “swim” (splash!).  20110410 Lila06

A fun overnight trip at Pa & Ma’s house.   Thanks!