Monday, June 30, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Braden has really been enjoying his swimming lessons. He just got his "midterm" report card and is doing great! He enjoys kicking, arm scoops, front glides like a rocket ship, back glide blast offs, and jumping into the water. Today, he jumped from the starting platform into the deep end where his instructor caught him. Then he jumped into Mommy and went underwater. He's getting much more confident in the water and really enjoys "pish" days on Monday and Wednesday.

We are taking swimming lessons with his buddy, Cooper. Here's a picture of Cooper, his older sister Reagan, and Braden (6/25/08):

Daddy was able to come with to lessons today (6/30/08) and took some pictures and videos:

Here's a couple videos of Braden during his swimming class:

Blowing Bubbles Video

Kick and Scoop Video

Jump Video

Camping Trip - June 27-29

This weekend, we went camping with 4 other families from our subdivision. Both of our next door neighbors went and then 2 other families. The campground was about 45 minutes north in the National Forest.

As you can see, Braden was very excited to be outside. He loved running around and of course getting very, VERY dirty! Good thing little boys wash!!!

Friday night (6/27) was a little rough on all of us. We pulled into the campground and a few sprinkles started to fall. We quickly set up the tent and were thankful for the added hands of our neighbors. No sooner was the tent up, then the skies opened and the downpour started. We huddled under the back of the van and then gave up and made a dash for our neighbors screened awning. Braden thought the rain was fun - and the puddles were even better!!!
The rain finally stopped and we were able to set up the rest of our campsite. Because we had the most open campsite, the neighbors came to our site for the campfire that night. We were trying to stay away from the trees and bushes to avoid some of the mosquitoes! Because of all our rain this summer, they were worse than usual.
Bedtime came, and that is when the real fun started. Dylon did fine - he went to bed and slept even though there was quite a bit of noise from the other children running around. We let Braden stay up a little later than normal - thinking that he might do better if it got darker outside. So, around 9:00ish, we took him into bed. But, our little guy was too excited to go to sleep. To make a long story, short -- at midnight Braden was still awake. The poor guy was sooo very tired, but just couldn't give in. Chad finally tried buckling him into his carseat in the van - but Braden just kicked and hit at the windows. So, we decided to pack up and just go home. Camping wasn't really worth all this. Chad went back to put a load of chairs in the van and, yes, you guessed it - Braden was finally asleep. So, we moved him back into his bed and we all went to sleep. Well, at least for about 1 hour. Then Dylon decided that it was his turn for some attention. Fortunately, he snuggled into Mommy's sleeping bag with me and went right back to sleep.
Saturday (6/28) was a much better day. We had a relaxing morning and made breakfast burritoes. Chad is a great camp cook! Then we went for a walk with all the neighbors to check out Long Lake and the beaches. Braden enjoyed running around with the bigger kids and throwing sand into the lake. Dylon was content to be pushed in his stroller/backpack and ended up falling asleep.
So, we all decided to take a rest. Daddy and Braden fell asleep. I just couldn't resist taking a picture of my two guys all sacked out. Priceless!

After naps, we ate lunch and then headed to the beach to play and swim. Braden loved the sand and filled his bucket over and over. He thought the waves coming onto the shore were fun too and loved to wait for them to get his feet. Mommy and Braden went swimming for a little while too. Braden did a great job practicing his new swimming skills. With the duck around his waist, I didn't really even have to hold onto him.

Dylon even got to try out the water. He was so happy to be wet and would have stayed in all day if we had let him. The only thing he didn't like so much was his dorky hat that Mommy made him wear. Dylon decided to try out the sand too. But, eating it didn't prove to be as much fun as he though it would be.

Saturday afternoon we were told that a severe thunderstorm watch was underway and encouraged by the park ranger to take cover. So, we headed back from the beach and settled into our tent. The rain, thunder, and lightning came - and we survived it in the tent. Now we know our tent can handle pretty much anything! Braden wasn't too sure about the storm for awhile, so he hid under his blanket in Mommy's lap. He finally got braver and watched the storm through the window with Daddy.

VIDEO of the Thunderstorm (Can you find Braden? Hint he's the red blob!)

Sunday (6/29) morning we ate breakfast, packed up, and headed home. I've decided that camping is fun ... but ALOT of work. Packing and then cleaning up when you get home - Yikes! But, I'm sure we'll do it again. How can you not when you have a house of boys! And I wouldn't have it any other way!!!

Dylon "Snorting" Video

June 22nd: Dylon loves to eat - anything and everything. He especially loves it when he can have food twice as fast. Braden is more than happy to "help" out. Or is this double trouble?

June 23rd: Braden loves to walk around with his hands in his pockets. This time, he was talking on the phone too. Hmmm, think he's imitating anyone? Daddy??!!

June 25th (VIDEO): Dylon was sitting in his chair finishing dinner, while Braden was coloring. I was video taping Braden's diligent efforts to color only the wheels. Dylon decided he wanted some attention too, so he started to "snort". I don't know what else to call this noise he makes - he inhales and breathes heavily. It's almost like he is laughing, but almost trying to be quiet. What a funny little guy.

June 25th: Braden loves to help Mommy clean! He just learned how to use the dustbuster and is a great help after meals. Who needs a dog when you have Braden!
June 25th: Our little "froggy" is SO CUTE! Don't you just want to squeeze him and never let go? (I actually had a hard time getting this picture - he kept trying to lean forward to get off the chair ... almost ready to crawl.)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tonight with Braden...

Braden was just too cute tonight, I have to share these 2 stories.

Story #1: We went for a family walk tonight. Both boys were in the stroller and Daddy was pushing. The mosquitoes were terrible, so we moved off the sidewalk and walked in the middle of the street. Now before you get too worried, our neighborhood is very quiet and has little to no traffic. Braden however, was very concerned. He knows that you don't go in the street because cars can hit you. Any time we are in the street or near it, he is suppose to hold our hand. So (this is the cute part), he reached out for my hand, "MaMa, nand". And pulled me as close as he could to the stroller. "Car, no-no ... here". He almost pulled me onto his lap. He was so upset and worried that I finally switched to the other side of the stroller closer to the curb. He was much happier with this. But, he continued to hold my hand and watch for cars just in case. Every car we saw, which were really just parked ones, he had to point at and pull me closer. It made me feel so incredibly special and loved that he wanted to protect me. What a sweetheart! I am so blessed!

Story #2: We were both tucking Braden into bed. Kisses and Hugs between Braden and Mommy, Kisses and hugs between Braden and Daddy. Then Braden says "Kiss" and points to both of us. So we did (happily I might add!) And Braden starts to laugh - so hard that he almost can't catch his breath. "More - Kiss!" And again, our simple kiss brings true delight and laughter from his little soul. It is so amazing how much our love and affection brings him delight and peace. I wish you could have been here to hear him! Such pure joy.

And to bring some laughter to your life ...

here's a little video clip from June 18th of our crazy little guy!

Learning the Hard Way

Braden learned a hard lesson this morning. We were getting ready to leave for swimming lessons. We went out to the van and I asked him to climb into his seat. This is the normal routine and he is usually very good about it. I walked around to put Dylon in his seat. Braden decided to close push the van door intead of climbing inside. I saw the van door starting to slide closed and quickly said "Braden - stop, don't push - Braden - stop, STOP!" But, he didn't listen. He kept pushing the door with his little hand and then it happened. The door closed with his little thumb inside. I quickly ran around the van, pulled the door open, and picked him up. Yes, it was one of those big inhales while you wait for the scream that you know is coming. I felt so bad for the guy! Ouch!!! Fortunately, he seems to be ok. I gave him an ice pack to hold on the way to swimming lessons. He's been moving it around and doesn't seem to be too sore. But, I hope that this has taught him not to play with the van doors and to listen when Mommy says stop!

This was day 3 of swimming lessons. We go on Monday and Wednesday for 4 weeks. He loves to kick (and splash), do "ice cream scoops" with his arms (and splash), do rocket ships off the side of the pool (and splash), and sing "The Wheels on the Bus" or the Hockey Pockey" while - yes, you guessed it -- SPLASHING!!! I quickly learned that showering before going is useless since I end up getting soaked. He is getting much more comfortable in the watering and seeme to really be enjoying himself. Daddy is hoping to go with one day next week, so we should have some pictures and/or videos for you soon. Dylon gets to stay home with the babysitter and take a nap while we are gone -- not near as much fun, but just as important in his little world.
Here's a few more pictures that I thought you'd enjoy:

June 17th: Yummy ... Ice Cream ... Mess ... in the VAN!!!

June 17th: Taking Daddy for a Ride

June 20th: Brother Hugs
June 20th: Drink time - such BIG Boys!

June 20th: Someone is very happy that he has the remote!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Some June Pictures

Just wanted to share a few (more) pictures from this month with you ...

June 2nd: Beets for Dinner

June 2nd: Some tired and oh so cute boys!

June 3rd: Sitting up and all smiles
June 11th: Swing time -- Braden loves to go high & Dylon loves to watch his big brother

June 12th: Taking the animals for a walk

June 13th: Bucket head!

June 13th: I love this face
June 13th: Relaxin' (but it doesn't look very comfy!)

Breakfast on the Farm - Sat, June 14th

Every year, a local farm hosts "Breakfast on the Farm" to celebrate dairy month. They serve an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast, have a tractor hay ride, games for the kids $1.00 sundaes (in the morning - yuck!), tractors to climb on, and of course cows! This was our second time to attend the fun. Because of all the rain and flooding, we had to park a little further away and took a big school bus to get to the farm. Braden thought this was very "cool"!
He enjoyed meeting Ronald McDonald and unlike all the other kids we were with, wasn't scared of him at all.

He was able to pet a chicken, rabbit, pig, goat, and cow. He was so gentle!

One of his favorite things, was the barrel-train ride. This year, he was able to go all by himself! And he even got to sit in an "morange" one - that's his favorite color you know!

Dylon enjoyed hanging out with mom (literally, since I carried him in the snuggly all morning). He watched the people and animals and was very content. It won't be much longer and he'll be too heavy for the carrier -- and for Mommy's back!

Overall, we had a great morning! It was so nice to be out in the sun with no rain for a day!!!

A Day at the ZOO - Tues, June 17th

This was Dylon's FIRST trip to the zoo! I'm not sure how much he really cared, but it was exciting for me to take him and introduce him to the animals. We went with a bunch of Moms from my MOPS group. It was fun to have such a large group together and have a little time to catch up with each other.
Dylon is getting so big -- and so fast. It still suprises me sometimes when I see him sitting up in the stroller, instead of being in his carseat. It is hard to believe he's been with us for 8 months already. His impish grin brightens my day and I'm sure we are in for some mischief with him in the years ahead. He is still a very good baby. We've been having a few issues with sleep at night during the past week. I think some of it is a virus that he had and also the 2 more teeth starting to work through on the bottom. But, he needs to figure out how to sleep through the night again soon. Mommy loves to cuddle, but would rather not do it for 30 minutes in at 3:30am!
Braden had so much fun at the zoo. So many of his friends from church were there. He actually walked more than he rode in the stroller. Most of the time, he stayed with his "girlfriend" Caitlin. They really enjoy being together and play nicely together - I can't remember the last time they fought. They walked around hand-in-hand -- so very cute! And he is so protective of her -- notice the hand on the back while they are watching the lion. He doesn't want anything to happen to his "Kate". As I was watching them, tears filled my eyes. This is one of those times when I wish that I could just stop time. Caitlin and her parents, Jeemy and Ann, are getting ready to move back to Indiana. Jeremy has been the Youth Pastor at our church for the last 4 ears or so. They have felt called to start their own church and are going home to do this. We are so excited for them and look forward to seeing God use them in this way. But, we will miss being in the same city as them and living life together. It will also be interesting to see how Braden adjusts to the loss of this friend in his life. However, I truly believe that they are what I call Forever Friends. So, I look forward to our trips to see each other and vacations together. And, they haven't left yet! So I intend to treasure our remaining moments together.

Father - Son Camping - Friday, June 20th

Tonight, there is a Father-Son camp out in our backyard. 4 families are joining in from our church and neighbors: Chad w/ Braden, Brad w/ Ethan & Logan, Drew w/ Cooper and Jeff w/ Ashton & Andrew (he's standing next to Braden).

We started the evening with a BBQ - Mom's and little siblings allowed.
Now, it's just the guys. It's about 9:20pm, and I still hear little voices.
Uh-oh -- that was just thunder I heard! I wonder if this camping adventure will last all night long?

It is so much fun to watch Chad as a Dad! I love his patience and devotion to his children. The boys already admire and want to be just like Daddy. They are both so excited when he comes home from work or when they get to see him in the morning. It is a privilege to get to watch them together!

The little boys were so excited to see the 3 tents go up. Braden actually squealed and stood there clapping about the "fort". It is awesome that God has given us friends with kids close in age. Life is so much fun together.

Even though "girls" weren't allowed, I snuck down and took a picture as Braden was getting tucked in. He got a new CARS sleeping bag with a air mattress that goes under it. I know, it's not really camping, but what can I say?!

And just so you don't think we only have 1 kid ... here's number 2! He enjoyed some time hanging out with our neighbors youngest son. Collin is about 2 months older than Dylon and is HUGE!

And now there is more thunder. Hmm, from the looks of the weather radar there is a storm coming through. But, it looks like it should be a short quick one. Hopefully they can all stay dry! If not, I guess they can camp out in the living room!