Friday, June 20, 2008

Father - Son Camping - Friday, June 20th

Tonight, there is a Father-Son camp out in our backyard. 4 families are joining in from our church and neighbors: Chad w/ Braden, Brad w/ Ethan & Logan, Drew w/ Cooper and Jeff w/ Ashton & Andrew (he's standing next to Braden).

We started the evening with a BBQ - Mom's and little siblings allowed.
Now, it's just the guys. It's about 9:20pm, and I still hear little voices.
Uh-oh -- that was just thunder I heard! I wonder if this camping adventure will last all night long?

It is so much fun to watch Chad as a Dad! I love his patience and devotion to his children. The boys already admire and want to be just like Daddy. They are both so excited when he comes home from work or when they get to see him in the morning. It is a privilege to get to watch them together!

The little boys were so excited to see the 3 tents go up. Braden actually squealed and stood there clapping about the "fort". It is awesome that God has given us friends with kids close in age. Life is so much fun together.

Even though "girls" weren't allowed, I snuck down and took a picture as Braden was getting tucked in. He got a new CARS sleeping bag with a air mattress that goes under it. I know, it's not really camping, but what can I say?!

And just so you don't think we only have 1 kid ... here's number 2! He enjoyed some time hanging out with our neighbors youngest son. Collin is about 2 months older than Dylon and is HUGE!

And now there is more thunder. Hmm, from the looks of the weather radar there is a storm coming through. But, it looks like it should be a short quick one. Hopefully they can all stay dry! If not, I guess they can camp out in the living room!

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