Thursday, March 24, 2011

Proud Moments

Dylon’s 1st Sticker Project: 
He had to watch his big brother make these last year.  For Christmas, he got his own set.  Today, he used his knowledge of shapes and colors and matched them up to make his rocket ship.  He was very excited and proud of his handiwork.  It was given to Mommy first, and then taken back and given to his friend.  He's a smart boy and it is so fun to see him growing up each day. 
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Lila’s First Pig Tails:
Her hair is getting so long on top!  It was fun to add a new hairstyle to the mix.  I've waited a long time to have a little girl and am loving it!
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Grocery Store Date

How do you make the day to day of life more special?  I've discovered that sometimes is all in the name. 
Today, it wasn't a trip to the grocery store.  It wasn't a chore that had to be accomplished.  It wasn't another check off the to do list. 

Instead, it was a date.  A date between me and my froggy boy.  A date complete with a personalized bakery creation (a free kid's cherry chip cookie), a stop by the amusement park (a penny ride on the horse), and a coffee shop creation (white hot chocolate). 

Amazing how the simple things in life become treasures in your memory! 

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Thanks for a special date little man.  Thank you for being my boy.  I love you Dylon!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ski Time in the Rockies

Excited doesn't begin to descibe how Braden was feeling!  He was happy to get up at 6am, he was happy to ride in the car up into the mountains, he was happy to wait in line for his ski equipment, and he was THRILLED to ski for the first time! 

He thought he was pretty big stuff when he got his equipment and was ready to hit the slope. 

He enjoyed skiing with the other kids and his instructor.  He learned how to get up when he fell down and how to "pizza" with his skis to stop.  
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Pa went with us for the day.  It was fun to have some time to just hang out and enjoy being with this special man in our family.  I'm so glad that he was there to share this first in Braden's life with us!
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I took lessons in the morning and then Chad came to ski with me.  He was impressed that I had improved so much.  There might be hope for me learning this sport and not being left behind by my kids after all!    
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It was fun to see Braden ski down the hill.  He did pretty good too!  When he got going to fast he forgot to "pizza" and instead did the splits and a face plant to stop.  But -- he got right back up again! 
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We enjoyed the amazing weather and beauty that God created.  A special day as a family together in the mountains. 
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Braden was already asking when he could go back.  He enjoyed everything about skiing -- well, almost.  He didn't eat much breakfast and was hungry for lunch.  He saw some of the other kids heading inside before his group was ready and got worried they would eat all the food.  So, he asked to go inside.  Poor guy didn't realize he had to wait for his class before he could eat.  Water and a cookie didn't fill his hungry tummy and he was quite worried that he was going to "starve" when Daddy stopped by to check on him.  Fortunately, there was plenty of food to go around and with a belly full of food he headed out again after lunch for more skiing - and falling - fun!

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In addition to skiing, Braden enjoyed the hot chocolate!  He wore the proof proudly in the car on the way home! 
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Looking forward to the next time we are able to head back to the mountains for a family ski trip! 

(And a HUGE THANKS to my mom for watching Dylon and Lila here at the house for us.  I know that they were in good hands and had a great time together!)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Grampy is 60!

Happy Birthday Dad! 
We enjoyed an early Birthday celebration with my Dad.  It was fun to tease him a bit with some gag gifts. 
He loved the collage that we put together using our newborn pictures, current pictures, and a personal note from each of the 4 kids.  
It was a fun night celebrating together. 

Lila was excited to see Grampy!
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Geezer Tweezers & Pill Box
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Uncle Matt & "Head" watching the gift opening
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Daddy and his "little twin"
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Uncle Jer approves of the fashion depends
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The collage brought tears of joy
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Birthday banana pudding
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Dad - I love you!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A MiniVan Moment

The kids and I were driving in the car this evening on the way to a meeting.  I was doing the typical mom talk -- "remember to be nice to your friends... no fighting so that mom and dad can get their meeting done... share toys with your friends ..."  You get the idea.

From the back of the van, Braden interupted - "Mommy, I have an owie on my finger".
"I'll check it when we get there, I'm sure it will be ok."

I continued to talk to them and remind them of rules and discuss what was going to happen at the meeting. 

Again, an interruption from the back, this time it was Dylon:
"Mommy, be quiet please.  Mommy!  Stop talking"
"What Dylon?"

And then, a moment of silence followed by my youngest son's voice:
"Jesus - please help Braden's finger feel better.  Please help us to be good boys tonight and play nice so that Mommy and Daddy can get their meeting done.  Amen."
So simple, so pure, so much faith. 

Of course, being the tough mom I am, tears started to fall and I managed to say, "I love you Dylon". 
Concerned, Dylon asked "Mommy, what's wrong? 
To which his much wiser big brother replied "Don't worry Dylon.  Sometimes Mommy's just get so happy they cry!"

Such a simple conversation.  Such an amazing moment in a minivan! 

Lunch Time

Today's lunch was full of special foods.  Braden asked for a tuna sandwich and that is just what he got.  He was suprised to see an actual fish on his plate.  I think I earned "cool mom" points for that one!  

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Dylon was excited to share the special treat that he picked out for his brother.  The yoplait swirls were a huge hit! 
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1 good lunch + 2 happy boys = a good day!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Lila’s Best Friend

The other day I was wishing for a friend Lila's age.  I remember back to when my boys were this age and they had little friends to play with, crawl with, and learn all the baby things with.  However, Lila has "big" friends. 

And then -- there was this moment.  When my little girl called for and reached for one of her favorites in the world. (Ok maybe THE favorite in her life!)  I sat her beside Brooke and the two of them looked outside, played together, and were oh so cute.  Maybe getting a dog wasn't really for the boys in our home.  Maybe God knew that my little girl would need a special playmate and prepared for this ahead of time as only He can! 

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So while it is kinda odd -- dogs ARE suppose to be man's best friend!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring’s First Walk

SPRING is coming!  We enjoyed our first walk of the season today.  So nice to be outside!  So nice to be together!  So nice to have 3 amazing kids!  So nice to be in CO instead of WI on days like this! 

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Braden was excited to ride on his birthday scooter.  It's been waiting since December for nice weather!  Dylon was excited to ride his new scooter too!  So glad that hand-me-downs are still "new" to a 3 year old!


 Lila is loving food.  For being such a "little" girl - she can sure pack it away.  Today she ate a nutrigrain bar and loved every bite.  However, I'm not sure if she loved putting them in her mouth or smearing them all over the tray!
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Monday, March 7, 2011

“Super” Friend

What makes a good friend? 

Someone you can take your mask off around and just be yourself
Someone who you can lounge around with
Someone who makes you smile

Connor - you are that kind of friend!
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And of course, Dylon couldn't let Lila feel left out.  Even without a costume, she is "super" special!
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Friday, March 4, 2011

When Uncle & Aunt Babysit

Daddy and Mommy went out on a date for 5280 week.  They enjoyed a delicious Fondue Dinner with their friends Brian & Terra. 

Uncle Jeremy & Aunt Erin came up to babysit the kids.  What a fun time!  I don't know if the kids or the adults were most excited to spend the time together. 

We came home to find a few pictures on the camera.  Thanks Aunt Erin for capturing some special Lila moments. 

Big Booger?  No, just a Banana?

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Uncle Jeremy is getting an early start teaching Lila to love computers.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#1 Lost “Tuf”

So, it happened!  Braden lost his 1st tooth!  He came downstairs after his nap and showed me his tooth.  It was laying at a 90 degree angle and barely holding on.  He was very brave and let me give it a little tug.   A tooth in my hand, a hole in his mouth, and a huge smile on  my BIG boys face!
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At bedtime, he made sure the tooth was safe inside his special pillow (Aunt Kristi-he finally understands that this pillow is for more than stuffed animals to sleep on!)
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The toothfairy brought him $0.50 and a huge lollipop.  Braden had informed us that is what toothfairies do.  Aopparently, Shark (on the cartoon Word World) got a blue lollipop when he lost his teeth.  Braden thought that he needed a red one, but was excited with his rainbow surprise.  We even printed a copy of the 1st picture below so he could take it with to school and show all of his friends. 
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At school the next day (3/3), Braden drew this picture.  I love the spiky hair, fingers, and his big tooth.  He also tried to write the date in the upper right corner.  3 + 2011 He reversed his 2 so it looks like a 5.  He even sounded out and wrote the sentence below.
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Braden was very excited about his “#1 lost tuf” as he called it.  #2 is loose and wiggly, so it shouldn’t be too long before it makes a departure too!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Baby No More

So, I discovered today how you know that your baby is no longer a baby. 

We were in the van to run some errands this afternoon.  From the back I heard Braden complaining that his snack was hurting his teeth.  Being the ever compassionate mom, I told him that graham cracker bites could not hurt him.   He continued to “owwee” with each bite. 

When we stopped at the store, I took a look at his mouth (thinking that this would pacify him and prove that I was right!).  Much to my surprised, it was VERY clear that the graham crackers probably were hurting him.  My not so baby boy is soon not to have two of his baby teeth!  His bottom two teeth are “wobbling” as Braden describes it. 20110301 B_tooth01 20110301 B_tooth02(c)

How did my little baby (ok, so he never was “little” at 10#!)  but you get what I’m feeling.  This is the beginning of him loosing the last of his baby-ness!  Funny, I never thought that loosing teeth was a huge deal.  But as I am faced with this for the first time as a mommy, I find the tears running down my cheeks as I come to grips with the fact that this is it.  My baby is truly a baby no more! 

But the tears are not just sadness – they also are joy filled.  Joy at the fact that I have been his mommy for 5 years, joy that he is growing into an amazing boy, joy that this is another step into new and exciting adventures, joy that my baby is a baby no more! 

Braden – Oh, how I love you!