Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A MiniVan Moment

The kids and I were driving in the car this evening on the way to a meeting.  I was doing the typical mom talk -- "remember to be nice to your friends... no fighting so that mom and dad can get their meeting done... share toys with your friends ..."  You get the idea.

From the back of the van, Braden interupted - "Mommy, I have an owie on my finger".
"I'll check it when we get there, I'm sure it will be ok."

I continued to talk to them and remind them of rules and discuss what was going to happen at the meeting. 

Again, an interruption from the back, this time it was Dylon:
"Mommy, be quiet please.  Mommy!  Stop talking"
"What Dylon?"

And then, a moment of silence followed by my youngest son's voice:
"Jesus - please help Braden's finger feel better.  Please help us to be good boys tonight and play nice so that Mommy and Daddy can get their meeting done.  Amen."
So simple, so pure, so much faith. 

Of course, being the tough mom I am, tears started to fall and I managed to say, "I love you Dylon". 
Concerned, Dylon asked "Mommy, what's wrong? 
To which his much wiser big brother replied "Don't worry Dylon.  Sometimes Mommy's just get so happy they cry!"

Such a simple conversation.  Such an amazing moment in a minivan! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That almost made me cry. How precious childrens minds can be.
Thanks for sharing.
