Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ski Time in the Rockies

Excited doesn't begin to descibe how Braden was feeling!  He was happy to get up at 6am, he was happy to ride in the car up into the mountains, he was happy to wait in line for his ski equipment, and he was THRILLED to ski for the first time! 

He thought he was pretty big stuff when he got his equipment and was ready to hit the slope. 

He enjoyed skiing with the other kids and his instructor.  He learned how to get up when he fell down and how to "pizza" with his skis to stop.  
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Pa went with us for the day.  It was fun to have some time to just hang out and enjoy being with this special man in our family.  I'm so glad that he was there to share this first in Braden's life with us!
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I took lessons in the morning and then Chad came to ski with me.  He was impressed that I had improved so much.  There might be hope for me learning this sport and not being left behind by my kids after all!    
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It was fun to see Braden ski down the hill.  He did pretty good too!  When he got going to fast he forgot to "pizza" and instead did the splits and a face plant to stop.  But -- he got right back up again! 
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We enjoyed the amazing weather and beauty that God created.  A special day as a family together in the mountains. 
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Braden was already asking when he could go back.  He enjoyed everything about skiing -- well, almost.  He didn't eat much breakfast and was hungry for lunch.  He saw some of the other kids heading inside before his group was ready and got worried they would eat all the food.  So, he asked to go inside.  Poor guy didn't realize he had to wait for his class before he could eat.  Water and a cookie didn't fill his hungry tummy and he was quite worried that he was going to "starve" when Daddy stopped by to check on him.  Fortunately, there was plenty of food to go around and with a belly full of food he headed out again after lunch for more skiing - and falling - fun!

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In addition to skiing, Braden enjoyed the hot chocolate!  He wore the proof proudly in the car on the way home! 
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Looking forward to the next time we are able to head back to the mountains for a family ski trip! 

(And a HUGE THANKS to my mom for watching Dylon and Lila here at the house for us.  I know that they were in good hands and had a great time together!)

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