Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#1 Lost “Tuf”

So, it happened!  Braden lost his 1st tooth!  He came downstairs after his nap and showed me his tooth.  It was laying at a 90 degree angle and barely holding on.  He was very brave and let me give it a little tug.   A tooth in my hand, a hole in his mouth, and a huge smile on  my BIG boys face!
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At bedtime, he made sure the tooth was safe inside his special pillow (Aunt Kristi-he finally understands that this pillow is for more than stuffed animals to sleep on!)
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The toothfairy brought him $0.50 and a huge lollipop.  Braden had informed us that is what toothfairies do.  Aopparently, Shark (on the cartoon Word World) got a blue lollipop when he lost his teeth.  Braden thought that he needed a red one, but was excited with his rainbow surprise.  We even printed a copy of the 1st picture below so he could take it with to school and show all of his friends. 
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At school the next day (3/3), Braden drew this picture.  I love the spiky hair, fingers, and his big tooth.  He also tried to write the date in the upper right corner.  3 + 2011 He reversed his 2 so it looks like a 5.  He even sounded out and wrote the sentence below.
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Braden was very excited about his “#1 lost tuf” as he called it.  #2 is loose and wiggly, so it shouldn’t be too long before it makes a departure too!

1 comment:

Sam said...

wahoo for loosing teeth, such big boys!!