Monday, March 14, 2011

Lila’s Best Friend

The other day I was wishing for a friend Lila's age.  I remember back to when my boys were this age and they had little friends to play with, crawl with, and learn all the baby things with.  However, Lila has "big" friends. 

And then -- there was this moment.  When my little girl called for and reached for one of her favorites in the world. (Ok maybe THE favorite in her life!)  I sat her beside Brooke and the two of them looked outside, played together, and were oh so cute.  Maybe getting a dog wasn't really for the boys in our home.  Maybe God knew that my little girl would need a special playmate and prepared for this ahead of time as only He can! 

20110314 L&Brooke01
20110314 L&Brooke02

So while it is kinda odd -- dogs ARE suppose to be man's best friend!

1 comment:

Tony said...

April Says: Adorable! I SOOOO wish that we were closer so that our girls (Syd and Lila) could play together. I can't tell you how much I want to come see you and let the girls meet each other! We could celebrate their 1st birthdays together! Sydney's party is next Saturday. Can you believe they are so close to 1 already??
Love that Lila is such good buddies with Brooke. Shelby's first word (after mama and dada) was Lily!! Hoping it's Syd's too!