Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bath Time

Daddy is out of town, Mommy is tired, Three Kids are dirty. 
And then, this happens ...

I looked at these precious faces before me and my heart overflows.
I revive and take advantage of these few precious moments making memories.

Funny hair -- so simple - so precious - so forever embedded in my heart.

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Play Ball!

We bought Lila a ball (pink of course!) at Walmart today.  The big brothers could not wait till after naps to teach her to play catch. 
It took a bit, but she caught on.  She laughed and giggled as they rolled the ball into her lap.  She even figured out how to pull it from beside her and pick it up. 
What a blessed little girl to have Big Brothers who love her so much.  They enjoyed rolling to ball back and forth and encouraged her every move. 
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Lila has had a “death grip” on this little giraffe today.  I gave it to her when we left to go pick up Braden from preschool.  She held on to it all the way to school, carried it with us inside, back to the car, while I rebuckled her in the carseat, all the way home, into the house, and to her highchair.  She is enjoying chewing it’s ears and keeps talking to her new friend.  Normally, toys are tossed aside after a few minutes with anticipation of one of us returning them to her.  Hmm, maybe she’ll trade the giraffe for some real food!
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Bison Pride

Braden earned his second "Bison Buck" at school today.  His teachers reward various students every few weeks for good behaviors -- respectful, responsible, and safe.  This is only the second time his class has done this and he has recieved one each time. 
Today, he also received a "Bison Pride" pin!  This only goes to a select few students who have gone above and beyond.  His teachers honored him today for "helping to keep the class on schedule".  Apparently, he helps everyone remember what is happening next and makes sure that the bus moves along the day schedule on their board.  He was so excited to show me his reward today when I picked him up.  As you can tell, he was beaming ear to ear. 

I'm so proud of him and his responsible and helpful attitude.  He is growing into such a good boy! 

I think this came at a good time for him too.  He told me yesterday that he wasn't sure he liked school anymore.  When I asked him why not, he said:
"Because I have to do stuff.  Like journals.... and going outside.... and stuff."  I didn't have the heart to tell him that this is only the beginning of LOTS of school stuff he's going to have to do over the next 16 years! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Braden’s Artwork

Braden is enjoying his days at preschool.  I enjoy all the artwork that comes home.  Valentine’s day brought many loving pictures that I just couldn’t resist sharing with you. 

“I’m WILD for you!” – this painted ape was for Daddy and Mommy.  However, the heart drawing Braden is holding in the picture he brought home and gave to his best buddy Dylon – “For when you miss me when I’m at school and you can remember that I love you.”
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“Mnke” – This is the first animal drawing that he has made.  I love how he sounded out and spelled the Monkey’s name too.  And I can’t explain why Braden is spelled wrong – he’s been writing his name without problem all year!
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“I love you Mom!”  -- This one melts my heart.  He traced the stencil, cut out the shape, and wrote and spelled all the words on his own. 
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“Lovin’ Lion” – Braden was so proud of his heart lion.  He cut out the shapes and glued it all together. 
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I can’t wait for the next round of artwork to come home from preschool!  It is so fun to see his imagination and skills soaring!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Finger Food

Now that Lila’s teeth are coming through, we’ve started to introduce finger foods.  For her first try, she had banana chunks and peas.  Both were a huge hit.  She was so excited to figure out how to get the food in her mouth.  And she didn’t do half bad – only about 50% of it ended up her bib pocket and on the floor! 
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Tea Party Time

Lila is discovering a whole new world around her now that she is sitting up.  One of her new favorite pasttimes is to have a personal tea party.  She doesn't want anyone else to join in - all the snacks are hers!  She laughs, talks, and carries on.  It makes me smile thinking of the many parties ahead with Lila and her baby dolls.  I hope to get join in on a few of them too!  And I'm sure Daddy and her brothers will be very frequent guests too! 
Anyone else want to come on over for a tea party?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day

There are times when I wonder how so much love can fit inside my heart and fill these walls of our home!?  I am so thankful for these 3 precious children and the love they bring to us and those around us.  IMG_0535

And while I didn’t take his picture today, I am SO thankful for the love of my life, my friend, my husband.  He makes me life overflow and complete!

Yes, she already poses …


And knows that she is - way – too – cute!!!


Hmm, I can’t get enough of those eyes!


Dylon was excited to wear his “froggy boy” shirt.  And he got more than his share of kisses today!


Braden seems so grown up.  But, he still loves to hug and snuggle – especially when he first wakes up.  He had a fun Valentine’s party at preschool last Friday and was excited to take heart ring pops in for all his friends. 


We hope that each of you had a wonderful Valentine's day celebrating those that you love too!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dylon’s Day

A day in Dylon’s life is full of adventure and creativity.  Today I happended to have the camera handy to capture a few moments as they occurred.  Usually I’m not able to catch his antics – by the time I get the camera he is already off and running to his next escapade. 
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(just to be clear, these diapers are for Lila -- not my big boy who is completely potty trained!)

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Can you believe that Brooke lets him just use her as a pillow?

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Lila enjoys eating!  And she is loving her new found independence and being able to feed herself. 
The Mum-Mums are Mommy’s favorite because they make no mess!
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The Wheat biscuits are a bit more tasty, but require a bath when finished.  What a mess!
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Blueberries are another favorite!  And if you look close at this picture you’ll see one little tooth poking through on the bottom.  Two more on the top have just broken the surface!
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Finger Painting

After dinner, we got out the finger paints.  This is something that tests me a bit since I don't like messes!!  But, every once in a while you have to let boys be boys.  And its a good thing to do with grandparents too.  

Dylon was very intent on getting just the right colors. 
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Neither boy was sure about actually "mixing" the colors on their paper -- they tried to keep them separate.  Now where would they get an idea like that? 
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Dylon finally got into it and enjoyed all the mess.  He was as proud of his hands as he was his artwork. 
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Braden started to enjoy experimenting with the colors to see what happens when you mix them together.
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Even Ma got in on the action -- the mountain range, trees, and a sunset where quite impressive. 
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With a boy who looks like this -- a bath was the only option!  And of course, that was almost as much fun as painting! 
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Of course, an overnight at Pa & Ma's wouldn't be complete without a bedtime treat.  Tonight, it was chocolate cake.  Braden loved his right down to the last lick ... yes, LICK!  He cleaned the plate with his tongue.  And for those of you that know me well, yes, I let him!  (Thanks for the picture Uncle Matt - sorry we didn't get any of you ... next time!)
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A fun few days with the grandparents.  And we are heading back in one week! 

Cousin Day at Focus on the Family

 We went to Focus on the Family today with our cousins -- Jenn and Rebekah.  It was fun for the kids to get out, play, and run around after all the cold weather we've been having.

Braden, Rebekah, and Dylon watched "Adventures in Odyssey" in the desert theatre.   
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Dylon took Lila for a ride in the row boat.
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Lila loved hanging out in the boat and watching the big kids.
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I love that the boys enjoy time w/ Rebekah.  They were all so willing to pose for a photo.
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Lila and Aunt Jenn got to hang out for a bit too.  Lila showed Aunt Jenn all her funny faces and how she LOVES to take off her socks. 
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Braden was FINALLY tall enough to go down the twisty slide.  It's a 3 story enclosed twisting slide that you can go down inside a fabric bag.  He was hesitant to go, but Rebekah went first and showed him on fun it was.  His first ride, you could hear the giggles all the way down.  When he got to the bottom he said "That was FUN!  I'm going again!" and ran back up the stairs.  Unfortunately, he only got to slide 3 times.  As the kids slid down chunks of ice started to come out with them.  We discovered that the inside of the slide was coated in a sheet of ice about 1/2 an inch think.  They closed the slide because of safety issues.  (the slide itself is outside the building with the entrance and exit to the slide inside).  Next time we go to Focus, I have a feeling this slide will be FIRST on his list! 
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Dylon spent most of the time pushing buttons inside the big airplane.  He was so excited to "drive" and loved taking other kids for a ride on the plane.  He even took Mommy and baby Lila for a "ride". 

We had such a fun time and look forward to the next "Cousin Day" adventure!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A few days with Pa & Ma

Mommy and the kids headed to Colo. Springs.We had 1/4 of a cow in that Pa & Ma were holding in their freezer for us. And since Braden had a few days off school and Daddy needed to head to CA, we stayed for a few days. It was fun to have a few relaxing days and spend some time with them. It was a fun couple of days.

Pa & Lila enjoyed some snuggle time.
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Ma & the boys enjoyed making tater-tot casserole together. It is a food with many great memories attached for me – my adopted grandmother used to make it for us growing up.
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Lila was proud to show off her sitting up skills.  And her favorite “squishy face”.  She is quite the camera ham. 
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Dylon loves his baby sister.  He is always trying to “help” her.  This time, he decided she needed her corn teether to vibrate (you have to squeeze the end).  So, he pushed down on the end while he held it in her mouth.  Lila was very tolerant and actually seemed to appreciate his efforts. 
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She finally had enough and decided to take the teether into her own hands.  She is getting more and more independent.  I love this picture … and that tongue!  She seriously has the tongue of a giraffe! 
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Ma had the whole day off work because of the cold weather.  It was an unexpected surprise and we enjoyed the extra time with her.
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Ma & Lila got their own snuggles in too.  Lila loves to “pose” for the camera – I only wish her expressions weren’t quite so funny lookin!  But I do love this little girl!  
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Before bed, Pa built us a fire and we roasted marshmallows inside. Oh, the fun things you get to do at the grandparent’s house!
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The boys LOVED the smores! Sticky, gooey, warm, sugar before bed – who wouldn’t love it!
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Braden looks like such a BIG boy lounging on the pillows like this!
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We finally had to cut Dylon off - he had about 8 marshmallows and 2 smores -- and still wanted MORE!
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