Monday, June 23, 2008

Tonight with Braden...

Braden was just too cute tonight, I have to share these 2 stories.

Story #1: We went for a family walk tonight. Both boys were in the stroller and Daddy was pushing. The mosquitoes were terrible, so we moved off the sidewalk and walked in the middle of the street. Now before you get too worried, our neighborhood is very quiet and has little to no traffic. Braden however, was very concerned. He knows that you don't go in the street because cars can hit you. Any time we are in the street or near it, he is suppose to hold our hand. So (this is the cute part), he reached out for my hand, "MaMa, nand". And pulled me as close as he could to the stroller. "Car, no-no ... here". He almost pulled me onto his lap. He was so upset and worried that I finally switched to the other side of the stroller closer to the curb. He was much happier with this. But, he continued to hold my hand and watch for cars just in case. Every car we saw, which were really just parked ones, he had to point at and pull me closer. It made me feel so incredibly special and loved that he wanted to protect me. What a sweetheart! I am so blessed!

Story #2: We were both tucking Braden into bed. Kisses and Hugs between Braden and Mommy, Kisses and hugs between Braden and Daddy. Then Braden says "Kiss" and points to both of us. So we did (happily I might add!) And Braden starts to laugh - so hard that he almost can't catch his breath. "More - Kiss!" And again, our simple kiss brings true delight and laughter from his little soul. It is so amazing how much our love and affection brings him delight and peace. I wish you could have been here to hear him! Such pure joy.

And to bring some laughter to your life ...

here's a little video clip from June 18th of our crazy little guy!

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