Sunday, April 24, 2011

Another ER Visit

Braden woke up this morning with a HUGE goose-egg under his stitches.  Appropriate, I guess, to have a hidden egg in your head on Easter!?  But, alarming to your parents when there had been NO swelling since about Thursday.  We called the doctor in the morning and agreed to keep on eye on it.  However, around 7pm, we noticed that the swelling was migrating down into his forehead, nose, and eye sockets.  So, the doctor sent us back to the ER. 

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It’s never great when the ER nurses and doctors are puzzled.  A CT-Scan was ordered to rule out any bleeding or fractures. 

Braden was excite to take Boof for a ride with him to the xray room. 

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He layed perfectly still, “just like a statue”, and never complained.  The xray staff was amazed at his good behavior.  He even received a Lion finger puppet as a reward and quickly named his new friend, Simba. 

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Feeling a bit hungry, he enjoyed a snack of mini-cheezits.  Unfortunately, a CLEAN pan was all I could find for him to eat out of.  Kinda gross to us, but he wasn’t bothered by it a bit!

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CT-Scan was negative and we were able to go home.  He was very patient with the wait and enjoyed his alone time with Daddy & Mommy again.  We even got to watch a new movie – Shark Tales. 

All of this was a bit worry some for Daddy & Mommy.  We are so thankful for the friends and family who supported us in prayer during this time.  It gave us a peace we would never have had otherwise. 

4/25/11:  The  swelling stayed the same under the wound, but his nose and eyes got even more swollen.  It was strange to look at my boy and have him not really look like himself. 

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4/26/11:  A follow-up with his doctor today confirmed that everything is ok.  They are pretty sure that a blood vessel started to re-bleed on Saturday night and caused the new swelling.  Because of gravity, it moved down into his eyes and nose.  Should clear up in a few weeks.  So thankful that our boy is ok!

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