Sunday, April 17, 2011

April Moments

4.11.11   Brooke doesn’t realize that she is a DOG!   I was folding laundry tonight and she layed beside me on the couch.  More often than not, she tries to find a “people” place to hang out. 

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4.13.11   Braden helped Mommy make Lasagna for dinner.  We had to get rid of the extra noodles together.

20110413 B&Mom_EatNoodle

4.14.11   Lila is on the move.  She is a pro at moving backwards and often finds herself stuck against walls or under furniture.  I am starting to wonder if she’ll ever figure out how to go forwards?

20110414 L_Scoot02

4.15.11  Braden went on his first “friend” sleepover tonight.  He was so excited to go to Connor’s house that he ran out the door without giving us hugs goodbye.  He had a fun time eating pizza, watching scooby doo, and sharing a bed with Connor. 

20110415 SleepOver01

4.16.11  The boys used some of their money from past holidays and birthdays to buy a picnic table today.  They were excited to have friends Owen & Boston Treadwell over and eat dinner outside.  They thought they were pretty cool sitting outside under their own umbrella. 

20110416 Friends_Treadwell

4.17.11  Our Home Group met tonight (as we do every Sunday night).  We stuffed 1200 eggs with candy while we discussed the sermon questions.  It is such a fun group and we are so glad that we can spend time together each week! 

20110417 HG_Eggs

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