Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2/18: Organization Monster

So, I don't know if the following story says more about my 4 year old or his mommy! 

We had home group for church at our house on Sunday.  It was fun to havea houseful and we are excited for the friendships we are building.  They boys enjoyed having their friends over and playing with them upstairs.  The kids and parents were extremely helpful and cleaned up the playroom before the left (THANK YOU!)
However, the next few days my OCD boy had a problem.  His toys were not put away like Mommy does it and he had a hard time finding what he was looking for.  So, he asked me to solve the problem:

"Mommy, dis is not wight.  Can you make pictuwes for the shelves like we have at shool so that all my fwiends know where to put my toys, pwease." 

I don't know what is worse ... that I have created an organization loving "monster" or that I actually complied with his wishes!  Either way, I now have a very happy boy with his shelves all labeled and all the toys in their proper places.   And mommy doesn't mind it either!  Dylon even seems to be happy knowing where to put everything when we sing the clean up song. 

So if you ever come to our house for a playdate, look for the pictures so that you don't get in trouble with Braden!  He will be sure to tell you if you don't clean up just the right way.

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