Monday, February 1, 2010

1/30: Ice Skating

Saturday morning, 11:30am
52 degrees
Sunny with a slight breeze
Ice skating outside at Southlands Mall
Uncle Jer and Miss Erin happily with us
Does life get much better?

Braden was excited for his first ice skating adventure.

Dylon was unexcited and refused to even try stepping on the ice. 

Daddy and Braden - Ready to give it a try!

Making it around the rink -- no falls yet!
Braden was very proud that he was one of the BIG boys!

Braden decided to give try out the bucket --
once he got the hang of it, he was cruising around the ice.

Uncle Jeremy loved helping out his Godson.

Dylon had no desire to get out on the ice. 
He preferred to stay on the bench hidin' under the coats. 

Peek-a-boo ... nope, still not ready to try ice skating! 

Uncle Jer and Miss Erin got a few "romantic" moments away from the boys. 

Dylon finally decided to give the ice a try --
he'll do almost anything to be with Miss Erin. 
(Uncle Jer better watch out ...
someone might be moving in on his girl!)

Dylon decided he needed to use a bucket too --
he just had different plans for it than Braden had. 

Braden copied Dylon and got a ride too.

And before long, a race was underway. 
I'm not sure who was having the most fun.

We had a great time!  Living by family in CO is so much fun. 
The amazing weather isn't too bad either. 

1 comment:

Aimless Muser said...

How great...what a fun event. We are so ready for the weather to warm just a bit to take a walk. Heather