Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2/20: Dylon's "bone"

There are times that our kids say the funniest things and I think, I really need to write that down!  Many times (ok most times) I forget and it doesn't happen.  But this one, I did remember to capture. 

Dylon was fussing this morning and just more whiney than normal.  He didn't really want to eat breakfast.  He was walking around and then looked up at us and said, "I want my bone!"   At least that's what we thought he said -- but since it didn't seem to make much sense, we asked him to repeat it.  "My BONE!" he sayed emphatically -- "stwawbery one".  Still, two confused parents.  We offered him all sorts of things and tried to figure it out to no avail.  He finally started pulling on the freezer door and said over and over, "my bone, my bone!"  I opened the freezer door and asked him to show us.  He reached inside and pulled out the teether toys from the door.  "My stwawbery bone!" he exclaimed and stuck the strawberry shaped teething toy in his mouth with a smile.  Then he changed his mind and got out the bear one with deep contement.  As you can imagine, we found this hilarious.  I guess to a 2 year old with a dog -- anything you chew on must be a bone. 

So, if you are ever watching our kids and Dylon asks for a bone -- head to the freezer please, not the doggy treats!

(Not to be left out ... Braden had to get in on the photo shoot!)

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