Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10/12: Our baby turned ONE!

Dylon turned ONE today! Wow, we can hardly believe that a year has gone by. We went to bed last night remembering our trip to the hospital a year ago to be induced. We woke up this morning delighting in the memory of this special boy who came into our lives at 4:56am. Instant love -- that grows each day! Throughout the day, we reminisced about the challenges and fears we had that first couple days as Dylon spent time in the NICU. How very thankful we are and so incredibly blessed that our son is healthy and thriving.

We took Dylon out for brunch after church. While we know he won't remember it -- he LOVES to eat and was so excited by all the different foods he got to have. Bacon, Sausage, Eggs, Fruit, Donuts, Rolls, Cheese, Eclairs, Crackers - the list just goes on. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera with. I would have loved to have captured this moment on film...
I returned from getting a refill and found my 3 boys laughing at the table. Dylon was in his highchair. Braden was sitting on Daddy's lap. With Daddy's help, Braden would cut a bite of french toast and put it on the big fork. Then, he'd hand it to Dylon. Dylon would squeal with delight and put the fork into his mouth. Then, he'd hand the fork back to Daddy. What a joy to watch my sons and their dad loving each other and working together. It still brings tears to my eyes. Have I told you lately how lucky I am!!!
After naps, Dylon got to open a few presents from us. (His big birthday celebration will be next weekend). Braden was excited to give Dylon a present too. We had talked to Braden about the fact that Dylon was going to be one and got to have presents. We asked if he wanted to give one of his old toys to Dylon. "Yes ... whitning mcqween" (this is his red race car - Lightning McQueen... a FAVORITE toy). Definatly a proud parent momemt that he was willing to give his prized possession to Dylon! After talking though and realizing that Dylon got to KEEP the toy, Braden choose to give him his LeapPad system (with a little coaching). When Dylon got ready to open his presents, Braden was so excited! He loved helping Dylon and then showing him how to work the books. And now he continues to remind us that this is Baby Dylon's toy. Dylon's favorite gift was the wrapping and tissue paper. Hmmm, maybe that's what we should give him for Christmas!

1 comment:

Aimless Muser said...

You guys really know how to enjoy the moment! Happy Birthday to Dylon! If you are interested, we'll be having a huge birthday party on July 4th for Josalyn! You would be honored guests!