Wednesday, October 29, 2008

10/26: Trick-or-treating

Jackson does trick-or-treating on Sunday evening. This year, it turned out to be one of the coldest nights so far. With the wind blowing and the leaves rustling, we made the rounds through our subdivision. Matt and Uncle Jeremy were here, which made it lots of fun. They decided to forgoe their costumes though because of the cold weather. Thankfully, our little puppies were nice and warm in their furry costumes (with winter pj's underneath). Our friends from church, the Brodzeller's, also braved the cold with us. (Trista, Jeremy, Chad, Braden, Tony, April, Lilly. Dylon & Shelby are in the Wagon, Matt is taking the picture)

The 3 kids all ready to go:
Here's our cute little woof-woofs:
Braden loved going door to door and getting his candy. He was so proud that he could carry his own bucket, knock on doors, and say "nanck you"!
Dylon was content to hang out in the wagon -- all snuggled in. His little nose did get a little cold ... but hey, all doggies have cold noses! Braden was very excited with ALL his candy! Someday he'll realize that if you go to enough houses your bucket gets full, but for now I'm glad he's content with less than 1/2.

When we got home, I tried to take a few more pictures. But, Dylon was very clear that he was done with pictures.

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