Wednesday, October 1, 2008

9/24/08: Pickin' Raspberries

We had some free time today before the Levan's had to head back to Indiana, so we went raspberry picking. Not being sure what the ground would be like, Braden and Caitlin wore boots. Quite the ensemble with shorts! It turned out to be a good choice though because the ground was a little muddy and the bushes would have been prickly on their legs.
The raspberry farm is just down the road, about 5 minutes from our house. It's an older couple that planted rasberry pushes on their farm land and now let the public come and pick berries. They have milk jugs on strings that you tie around your waist. Makes picking easy becasue you don't have to hold onto the container and can just dump them in. The kids loved having their own jug, but ended up eating what they put in!
Dylon was content to just hang out again and watch what was going on. He even got to sample a few berries and gave his quick and hearty approval.

The bushes are loaded with berries and I was able to pick 5 pint baskets in about 30 minutes. And they are so cheap ... only $2/each. I have hopes of making some jam, but we'll see what happens.

(10/1: The berries ended up just going into the freezer. I didn't pick quite enough and haven't had time to go back for more. I'm still hoping to get a chance for jam before a hard freeze comes and ends berry season, but we'll see what happens!)

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