Wednesday, October 22, 2008

10/22: The Wild Fire Hose

Do you remember those cartoons where there is a huge fire. The characters are trying to put it out. But the firehose is out of control ... water spraying every where, twisting, turning ... and you just want to reach out and help?! Well, that was the scene in my bathroom this morning! Braden woke up DRY (YAA!!!). I took him into the bathroom and he stood up to take care of things. However, that is where the YAA! ended. The little guy had too much pressure and control was completely lost. The toilet, floor, walls, and everything else nearby got a nice shower! And there was nothing I could do! He tried so hard, but every attempt to correct the spray just sent it in another direction.

At the time, Mommy of course was a little panicked. And so was Braden -- remember, this is the boy who does NOT like messes! But now, I'm chuckling at the memory of my little fireman!

Hope this gives you a smile or laugh too!

(And we have now made a rule ... you must SIT down for potty in the morning!)

1 comment:

Abby McNair said...

oh my.... i can't stop laughing!! I have 3 girls and just cannot imagine! heheheh I don't think I would know what to do with a firehose:)