Thursday, March 26, 2009

We have an OFFER!

We are so excited! We received a call from our realtor today and have an offer on the WI house!
It came in lower than we had hoped, but where we kinda expected. So, we counter back tomorrow to split the difference. We are praying hard that this will be it and we will finally have a contract on the house!

We are so thankful for God working in the situation and providing a buyer in His time. It has been a struggle to wait and trust, but I know that our family has learned so much through this. We are excited to move forward and be together again as a family.

As I write this tonight, I'm struggling to put the feelings of my heart into words. I'm nervous the offer won't go through, excited at the working of God, anxious to find a house here, longing to just hug Chad and celebrate this with him, sad to be saying goodbye to my WI home, whirling about all the details, apprehensive about finding a house we will love in CO ... I could go on and on.

But more than anything, I'm thankful that I don't have to know or understand or figure all this out. What an awesome God I have that knows and writes my future. That alone provides me the peace and I can rest in His arms. Thank you God!


Nan said...

so did you sell the jackson house?

WeinmasterFive said...

Yep, it's sold. We close on 5/15.