Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Offer submitted

Well, I slept ALL night! No tossing and turning, no pits in the stomach when I woke up. I even went back to sleep after Dylon cried at 5:00am. So, we submitted the offer. The sellers have 24 hours to get back to us with a response. We are fairly sure that they will counter, but would love if they just accepted the offer. We are praying for God to work out all the details and continue to guide us.

I'm getting more excited about the house as times goes. It is a great house and will become "home" when we are all there together. Like I told Chad, I don't love the house, but love at first sight doesn't always happen!

The boys don't really understand what is going on. I think Braden is especially confused at how we can live in a house where someone else has toys. He keeps talking about his new train table (the little boy that lives there has one) and that he wants the pink room (there isn't even one in this house?!). So, hopefully he'll understand when the house is empty and even more so when his barn bed and toys arrive from WI.

As excited as we are to get into our own home and be a family again, it's sad to think of leaving Colorado Springs and the Grandparents. Pa and Ma (as the boys call them) have been so good at sharing their home and supporting us through this. The bond that they have built is so precious. This morning I came upstairs to find story time on the stairs. I was thankful there was a camera close by to capture this scene. The boys were so engrossed in listening to the story and munching away on their whole apples (they both love to start off eating them "big", but eventually usually ask for them to be cut up).


Aimless Muser said...

Deep breath! How exciting for your family. I hope this goes through without a hitch!

I see Dylon uses a sleep sack. I'm wondering how long to keep Josalyn in one.

Your boys are adorable!

the poores

WeinmasterFive said...

Dylon loves his sleepsack. He stays so toasty warm while he's sleeping even if he comes uncovered. He is 17 months old and actually walks around in it sometimes. I'm planning on leaving him in it untill ??? :)