Friday, August 15, 2008

Aug 15: Braden's Surgery

Tonsils, Adenoids, and Ear Tubes ... more surgery than we wanted our 2 1/2 year old to have to go through! But, he did great! The doctors and nurses were so nice. They let him have "boof" and his cars on the bed. Braden was very excited for his new car friends: Red, Tractor, Stanley, Luigi, and Guido.
He shook the nurse's hands and said "nice to meet you". On the way to the OR, he and the anesthesiologist were running down the hallway. Mommy even got to go with Braden to the operating room and stay with him until he fell asleep.
We were so amazed and pleased that he was able to cope so well. When he woke up, the nurses were snuggling him in the rocking chair. Of course, he only wanted Mommy (and Daddy), so we got to come back to the recovery area right away and hold him. Having my precious boy in my arms again ... life is so good! He was only away from us for about 1 hour, but it seemed like forever. Daddy said he felt like a "caged tiger".

As we got into the van to leave the hospital, Braden's first request was for "mine baby". Even when he isn't feeling great, he still wants to make sure his little brother is ok. Dylon was happy to see us and we are so thankful to our friends for watching him (Thanks Betz family!)

Now we are home and Braden is doing great. He's had a few popsicles, some juice, and you'd almost never know that he had surgery this morning. The doctor warned us though that the first couple days could be misleading and to watch out for day #3. We'll see what happens?!
Dylon decided that he didn't want to let Braden have all the fun today, so he had to do a few first today too. When I was taking him up for his nap, Braden and Daddy waved bye-bye. So, Dylon waved right back ... and continued to wave all the way up the stairs. It is so fun to see how much my 3 boys love and care about each other. After nap, Dylon was playing peek-a-boo with a blanket on the floor by the stairs. Next thing we know ... he has climbed up 2 stairs! My goodness is that little guy fast!


Chasaraben said...

What a trooper! Praying for a quick recovery and a unmentionable day 3!!

Aimless Muser said...

So glad to hear that the surgery went well. We will keep his recovery in our prayers as well!
