Friday, August 8, 2008

July 25 - 27: More Grandparent Fun!

We spent the last few days of our vacation at Grandpa Don and Grandma Sherry's house.

This time it was Dylon's turn to be fascinated with a dog. He loved watching Mel and Nelson outside on the porch. He would lay in front of the window or reach up and try to touch them. I'm not sure he knew what to think of the big Goldens.
We don't always get a chance to have a family photo op, but Grandpa helped us out. Guess he thinks we are all pretty cute!

On Friday, Grandpa and Grandma took us up to see their new mountain property. It was fun to get out in the trees and was so quiet. They are busy clearing a road and plan to put in a trailer soon. Cabin plans are still underway; but one day it's going to be a fun place to go for some overnight or weekend fun. Braden was excited for the tree stump seats. We were able to enjoy a picnic dinner and then packed up when the rain started to sprinkle.
Fortunately, it was short lived and we were still able to take a walk around the property. Daddy wasn't too sure he had fun since he got stung 3 times. Bee hives in the ground turned out to be a dangerous thing! We are excited for this new family experience and the memories that are sure to be made here.
Saturday, we went to Eric and Amber's birthday party(step nephew and neice). It was fun to have this time together. Braden enjoyed playing with his cousins at their under the sea party.

And Dylon finally decided he'd had enough and crashed in Daddy's arms.
We had a fun visit with Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Don! Can't wait to see you again.

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