Friday, August 8, 2008

Aug 2: Voyager Boat Ride w/ Shaw's

After the Brewer's stadium tour and lunch, we went to downtown Milwaukee and took a boat ride. The Voyager took us down the Milwaukee River, around the harbor, and then back up the river.

After all the excitement of the day, Dylon was ready for a nap. Before the boat even left the dock, he was fast asleep.

Braden enjoyed some more time with his buddy, Uncle Kaleb.

Braden enjoyed the boat ride. He liked to see the bridges open and close for us to pass through. The view of downtown Milwaukee from the harbor is awesome. Braden loved the big buildings and being able to see so far.

We also got to see this schooner as it was sailing out onto the lake. Wouldn't that be fun to go for a ride on?

Once Dylon woke up from his nap, he got to have some special time with Uncle Kaleb too.

I think these little guys of mine aren't going to know what to do when our extra hands go home!

Braden and Dylon were such good boys today. We had a busy day and missed being at home for naps, but they just took it in stride. It was one of those proud mommy days when you are so thankful for the good kids that God has given you. But, I'd still be thankful that they are mine even if they had been naughty! :)

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