Tuesday, July 21, 2009

7/15: O'Brien Pool

Pa & Ma came up yesterday and spent the night. This morning, Mom and I worked in the basement -- organizing and unpacking our "junk". I've decided that I need to clean out and get rid of ALOT of stuff! Maybe that can be my winter project.
Midmorning, we headed off to the O'Brien pool in Parker (about 20 minutes south). The boys and I have driven by several times, but I wasn't quite brave enough to go on my own. Braden was so excited when we pulled into the parking lot and he realized where we were.
Unfortunatley, there was a little cloud cover and a breeze blowing so it was a little cooler than we would have liked. But, that didn't stop my little daredevil. He was off and going. The water was a little warm which helped, but I think it could have had a layer of ice and he wouldn't have cared. It was hard to keep track of him as he went up the stairs, down the slides, through the tunnels, and splashed around. Nothing seemed to phase him and he was willing to try it all.
This slide had water rushing down at the top and sides. He went down it over and over and over.
Braden loved the splash landing at the bottom of the tunnel slides.
And waiting for the water to drop ... oh, the anticipation! A few times he stared upward too long and got a nose and mouth full.
One of Braden's favorite parts were the wheels and handles you could turn that would make water spray out of a tube, up into the sky, or change the flow of the water curtain you walked through. He quickly figured out how each one worked and would give them a yank or turn every time he passed.
Dylon, on the other hand, was not excited about the cold (even though the clouds burned off and the day was fairly nice). He also was not happy about the loud water noise and having to walk under and through the water to get to the slides. He was much more content to play in the bubblers with Pa & Ma. And when he got too cold, snuggle time with Pa was a must. Especially since he and Pa found the pretzels and dried apples to snack on.
Overall, it was a fun time at the water park. Both boys had a little of what they love most. For Braden -- running and splashing. For Dylon -- eating!

1 comment:

Aimless Muser said...

Looks like a great place to play! Good for you to brave the event. Heather