Tuesday, July 21, 2009

7/21: Full & Blessed Life

We are adjusting to life with our 4 legged girl running around the house. She is adjusting to us (and the kennel!) Only 3 accidents on the floor, so I'm feeling pretty lucky. We are armed with cleaning spray and deodorizer for those that are sure to come.

Some of you have asked how we came about getting her. Well, while I was sitting and eating breakfast Friday morning, MaeMae (Chad's mom) showed me the pet classifieds in the paper and asked what kind of dog a lhasa-poo was. I told her it was a mix of a lhasa-apso and a poodle. Since this was a breed we had casually been looking at, I called Chad and asked if he wanted to see the puppies. "Sure!" So, I made the call. On Saturday, the breeder drove from Harrison (1 hour north of Scottsbluff) and showed us 2 puppies. We initially were leaning towards the puppy that was more social, but as we watched them for awhile, our hearts were drawn to the honey colored pup that followed the breeder everywhere she went. Even though it took her awhile longer to warm up, she was soon snuggling deeper into our arms. We're hoping this means she will be a more loyal dog. So, that's how we ended up with our Brooke.

So, I guess you could say it's MaeMae's fault for showing me the paper, or Chad's fault for saying to call, or my fault for actually calling! But, regardles --- I'm actually glad to have her. She is so sweet and we are having alot of fun with her.

Brooke and Braden are becoming snuggle buds. She loves to lay beside him while he watches Handy Manny or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I guess it's true, there's nothing like the love between a boy and his dog. He is so very gentle with her and talks to her in this sing-song voice. "Tome here sweetheart", "It's O'Ta Honey" "Where's my doggy at?" I wonder if he'll like her as much when he has to clean up the yard in a few years?

Dylon gets jealous when anyone else has "b'ook". He loves to grab, squeeze, lay, pull -- anything he thinks might show her his affections. She's not so sure about his love languages, but tolerates him and has not nipped or growled at him. She seems to be a very patient and forgiving dog.
Today we also had a visit from Buzz Lightyear at our house. I had found this costume at a garage sale and Braden couldn't wait to put it on this morning. "Buzz" played outside, rode his bike, and yes ... went to Walmart with us. We got a few disapproving stares, but many more smiles, giggles, and high fives to my space ranger. He was thrilled! Thank goodness it was cool today after the storms last night (yes, we were in the basement AGAIN as the tornado sirens sounded at 11:30pm! -- we had heavy rain and fierce winds, but no hail). And all 3 kids even went back to sleep without much problem. Braden is not a fan of the rain, but that gave us a reason for some snuggle time. It touched my heart too when he asked to "P'ay to God 'bout the wain". I hope that he will continue to look to God as his protector and rely on Him for strength. Braden's childlike faith is such a good reminder to me of how God wants my relationship with Him to be.

Dylon also kept me entertained at the store while we were shopping. He loves to kick off one shoe (always the left). He also delights in eating the packages of anything he can reach. Plastic = Yummy? And if that wasn't enough, he loves to play peek-a-boo anytime he can. Today, he used some fabric we were buying and boo'd at everone we passed.

Hmmm, even with all the stress of 2 boys and a puppy, I still look at my life and am so thankful for these precious gifts.

1 comment:

Deann said...

She is adorable!!! We think Baxter could be a lhasa poo, but we aren't sure. And the pics with the boys and the puppy are too sweet!!! Have fun!! :)