Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sprayground (6/30)

We arrived just as the water was turning on. Shortly after buses, vans, and LOTS of cars arrived. Before long, the place was overflowing with running kids! But, my boys had fun ... at least one of them did!!!

Braden was so excited. He was jumping up and down before we even had the sunscreen on. In, out, under, around -- the wetter, the better! He watched the bigger kids and tried to copy everything they did. I think he thought he was 10!
One water logged little guy!
Dylon was a bit overwhelmed by all the commotion. He played with a cup in the rainbow for a short while, but soon decided he was cold and cuddles on mommy's lap would be much better. Of course, that was just fine with me!
Every once in awhile, Dylon got brave enough to venture back out into the water with his brother. I love watching the two of them interact and see their friendship forming.
Two tired little boys were ready to head home for lunch - after a promise from Mommy that we would come back!

We had a fun morning and enjoyed being out side in beautiful Colorado. The only down side, was that it made us miss our WI friends -- especially me! How I would have loved to met some of my dear friends and watched our children run and splash together. My heart aches with the emptiness that distance has created. I long to see their faces, hear their laughter, and live life together again.

1 comment:

Chasaraben said...

Awe! I'm glad you found the park. It's so fun! Call me and I'll meet you there. 303-627-5016.
S. Roby