Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9/20/08: Subdivision Picnic

We had our 6th Annual Dallman Village Subdivision Picnic today. The theme was a Mexican Fiesta with tacos, pinata, and the works. The festivities always start with a parade down Riverview Drive and around the circle. Each year the parade becomes more of a spectacle. It's quite the sight, but so much fun. Braden was very excited to ride his bike all by himself.

We had to keep a close watch though because he rode so fast that he was starting to pass the lead van!

This was Dylon's first parade, but he was content to just hang out.

He was much more excited about trying to find a way to drink Daddy's beer!

The picnic was alot of fun this year. Braden is old enough to participate in more of the activities. He enjoyed the pinata and collecting his share of the candy. He was very excited when he heard the sirens and saw the local firetruck driving down the street. He loved climbing aboard and being able to drive "Red" (this is the firetrucks name in the movie CARS).

Our two little firemen ...

Dylon only lasted for a few seconds before he quickly tried to remove and eat the hat!

Our subdivision also has a sign that we add each child's handprint too. This was Dylon's first year at the picnic and now he is a permanent addition to the neighborhood!

Dylon's hand (smear) is the light green one on the left side of the tree.

Braden's is the yellow one in the middle, just slightly to the left.

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