Monday, September 7, 2009

7/22: Boys, Dogs, & Water

Brooke is quickly finding her place in our family. We are all loving our new addition. Boys and their dog ... need I say more?! Braden can't wait to hold her on his "wap". Dylon tries to pick her up ... by the fur. She is patient, tolerant, and overall a good dog. I think I'll like her a little bit more after the potty training is done!
Brooke and Daddy are quickly becoming pals too. After the boys are in bed it's time for tug of war and playtime. And maybe even a few snuggles - although those usually go to Mommy instead.

And who couldn't love this face? You'd fall in love with her too!
We spent time outside today on the slip-n-slide. Braden was thrilled! He climbed the hill over and over and would have stayed outside all day if weather (and naps) had permitted.
Dylon enjoyed sliding a few times, but was content to sit warmly in his towel and watch his brother. Brooke enjoyed watching too!


Lori Spears said...

What kind of dog is Brooke?

WeinmasterFive said...

She is a LhasaPoo - cute, medium sized, and NON-shedding!