Monday, June 15, 2009

Ouchies and Old Friends

Braden got a battle scar today. While playing outside this morning, he tipped over on his new bike and scraped his elbow up pretty good on the sidewalk. Thanks to his helmet (he's such an obedient boy and never rides without it!), no other injuries. He was quite the tough boy and let me clean it off and put bandaids on. He took the bandaids off after lunch and hasn't complained at all. He did have to use the boo-boo bunny and his ice pack bear a few times this evening though. And he was very quick to show it to Daddy and our dinner guests. He wouldn't get back on the bike this morning, so tomorrow we'll have to give it another go. And I guess Mommy better take a picture of this ouchie too!

Tonight we had our first dinner guests (other than family). It's nice when the world becomes a little smaller and you run into old friends. We were sitting in church (the second one we visited on Sunday) and noticed a couple in front of us. The girl seemed so familiar, but we couldn't place her. Then she made this expression and we knew ... it was Allison, a girl that we knew from the camp where we met. Actually, we knew her whole family. We talked with her and her husband, Tony, after service and discovered that her dad and brother were also in town. A dinner offer turned into a get together tonight. We had a great time reconnecting with them and reminiscing about our days at scholarship camp. Braden was excited to have "friends" here and loved showing off many of his toys. Dylon was just excited because everyone else was excited! It was so good to have friends here and it made our house feel so much more like a home. Thanks friends for filling our home with laughter and joy tonight!

And a few pictures for those of you that can't wait to see these cute boys of ours! :)

June 2: Dylon loves pushing trucks around ... "uck!" as he calls them.

He also loves his animals. Woofie and Fido are 2 of his favorites.

June 4: 2 Brothers, 1 Cookie each --- such different results.

June 7: Braden made these ears at church. He loves to wear them around & Mommy likes to remind him to listen with them!

June 10: These two guys were excited to watch TV in their playroom today; and hats were a requirement!
June 13: Snuggles for Daddy

And that's all for now! Time to head to bed so I have energy for these two precious bundles of energy tomorrow!

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