Saturday, June 13, 2009

Braden's NEW Bike

My baby is growing up too fast for this Mommy! Today we, actually he, bought a new bike. We had saved some of Braden's birthday money from December. We found an almost new 12" bike on craigslist and went to check it out this morning. It was a perfect fit! And in excellent shape ... no scrapes on the paint and the tires still had the little "hairs" on them. He was so happy! He could hardly wait for naptime to be over so he could go outside. Unfortuantely for the little guy it was raining (for the 8th day in a row) when he woke up. A few tears were shed and thankfully the weather cleared for an after dinner ride. It was a short one because black clouds were closing in again. He was one proud boy riding his bike. He needs some work figuring out the brakes and turning corners, but he had strong legs riding back up the hill.

Little brother couldn't wait to climb on the "discarded" trike and follow in big-brother's footsteps. Dylon ended up pushing his bike more than riding, but he had alot of fun too.

Here's a picture of Braden on his new bike:

Dylon loves to say "cheese" and wants his picture taken whenever the camera is out:

This was a couple days ago when the boys were riding bikes:

Dylon loves the planes that fly over head -- "Pane!". He can spot them before we can.

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