Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Class Bully

I received a call from the nursery today while at church for Bible Study (they call you on your cell phone if your child needs you b/c we are spread out all over the place). I went to get Dylon thinking he was sad and missing his mommy. When I arrived, he was in the hallway with the supervisor. She informed me that they had been having trouble with him. My heart went out to the little guy, until .......
she told me that he was pushing the kids all morning and the last straw was when he bit another little girl! Oh my!!! So, I am now the proud mommy of the class bully! Yikes!!! I even had to sign a formal complaint that goes in his nursery record. How sad is that! I'm not sure why he was feeling so aggressive today, but it's something that is definately not ok. He tends to have a temper at times (hmm, wonder where he got that from!) He has tried to bite at his brothe rwhen he gets frustrated over a toy or can't communicate what he wants, but we've been tough on him for this and I was hoping it was under control.
I remember at our church in WI a little boy in Braden's room who had his name tag on his back and just below it another tag that said "I Bite!" I am hoping that this won't be necessary for Dylon and that we can stop this behavior once and for all! Oh, parenting is so much fun! (Seriously, I do love being a mom!!! I just wish there was an instruction manual with a chapter on stopping toddler biting!)

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