Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Trip to Nebraska

To catch up a little ...

April 24 - 27: Our yearly drive to Nebraska for OAX Alumni Weekend (Chad's Fraternity).

We left Thursday morning and drove to DesMoines. The boys were awesome in the car and we arrived just as nap times were ending.

4/24/08: Dylon during the car ride

4/24/08: Braden during the car ride

We stayed overnight at Adventureland Inn. It was an older hotel/resort, but had a zero depth pool with a frog slide, dumping water buckets, and a rainfall mushroom -- all just Braden sized. It was fun to just relax together as a family.

Braden went for the frog slide right away. He climbed up and Mommy was ready for the picture. Snap! Down he came! Splash! Under he went! Sputter! Choke!

Mommy wasn't quite ready for him to go under - I thought he just come down and stand up like he had on a similar slide before. However, I wasn't taking into account the deeper water. So, Braden was a little water logged and took about an hour before he tried the slide again. And only then with Daddy at the bottom! Eventually, he did decided to trust Mommy again.

4/24/08: Splash!

4/24/08: So proud that he went in the "rain" by himself!

We stayed with our good friends Conrad and Megan Gilberston. As always, our time together was so much fun and way too short. We enjoyed seeing other college friends at the Family Dinner Friday night. Chad enjoyed golfing and meetings on Saturday.

4/26/08: Cute BIG Boy

4/26/08: Cute LITTLE Boy

Sunday we got up early to head home. Braden was a little grouchy and out of sorts. We weren't sure what was going on until ... he threw up! But, then he was his normal happy self. So, we hit the road. 1 hour on the road, 1 sippy cup of juice, and 1 snack of grapes later ... and we had a grouchy boy again. And yes, you guessed it -- throw up! Fortunatly most of it was caught in the towel. So, we stopped at the next exit, cleaned Braden up, and pushed forward. Thank goodness for an 8 passenger van that allowed me to sit beside Braden and snuggle him much of the way home. He slept on and off and we limited how much he drank. Only one more episode on the way home. Chad did a great job of driving and we made it home in record time. And of course, Braden was just fine that night and the next day! So, now we have survived our first case of throwing up with Braden. If we could handle it in the car, at home next time can't be so bad, right?

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