Wednesday, May 7, 2008

End of April

Just some updates on the boys as APRIL closed:

BRADEN: Still likes to say only 1 syllabyl, but is starting to put them in sentences. He likes to help me keep the house clean - give him the swiffer or a lysol wipe and he's a happy guy! The other day I was cleaning the floors and had taken the rug, stool, magazine container, and trash can out of the bathroom. He came over from the living room and looked around, then looked at me, and said "Mess MaMa!" He then proceeded to put everything back where it belonged. Hmm, wonder where he learned to keep things so neat from?! He is such a good big brother. He loves to give Dylon kisses and hugs. He'll even share his precious bear "Boof" if he thinks Dylon is a little sad.
DYLON: He is growing like crazy. He's wearing mostly 9month clothes. He's eating cereal, fruits, and vegies - and can't get enough. He also likes to drink water out of a sippy cup. He still slobbers alot of it back out, but he's getting there. He is a very content little guy - but if he is hungry or tired, he'll let you know! He loves his big brother - even more than eating - and that's saying alot!!!
Here's a few pictures just for fun.
4/23/08: Playing in the sandbox
4/30/08: Eating a PB&J with "mine ands"
4/30/08: Enjoying Blueberries
4/30/08: What do you mean it's all gone?

04/29/08: Dylon has something to say (VIDEO)

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