Monday, October 31, 2011


Mario ... Luigi ... and our flower child!

Braden and Dylon have become facinated with the Wii and playing Mario Kart over the past few months.  So, it seemed only fitting that they dress up as the "Mario Brothers" this year.  They were so excited and couldn't wait for the big day!   Even the fake mustaches were met with excitment!

Lila was a flower.  They brothers really wanted her to be princess peach, but Mommy was worried that we would just have to cover her costume with a coat.  And, the flower was just way too cute to pass up!   She loved her "pretty" outfit and never tried to take it off.  Actually, we couldn't get her to take it off even when we got home! 

On Saturday 10/29, we headed off to Southlands Mall to trick or treat.  The outside mall shuts down main street and the stores hand out candy to the masses of children.  A little crazy, but nice to be outside when it is light and enjoy some fun with friends.  This year, we met Zayne and Bryn (pirates/Pastor Ryan & Gena's kids) and baby Jameson Bailey (dragon/friends Jon & Nicole).    Pastor Geoff and Brittany even came to hang out with us for awhile. 
Braden, Bryn, Lila, Dylon, Zayne

Lila finally "wilted" ... so we headed home!


On Monday evening (10/31), we spent some time getting our jack-o-lanterns ready.  These were special pumpkins that Pa grew in his garden for the kids.  We started painting the pumpkins a few years ago since the boys weren't ready to carve ... and they love it.  It's fun to see the array of colors they create.  This year, they also talked Mommy into carving pumpkins after the paint dried. 

Braden -- BEFORE:

and AFTER:

Dylon -- BEFORE:

And AFTER ...

Lila -- BEFORE: 

and AFTER (w/ Daddy!)

Our porch looked so happy and fun for our trick and treat friends.

Here are the kiddos before we headed out for trick or treating around the neighborhood. 

We met up with our friend Connor while we were out trick or treating too!  

We made it around the cul-de-sac behind the house and 2 streets. By the time we got home, we had 2 FULL buckets. Both boys said their hands hurt because the buckets were too heavy!  It was a fun Halloween time for all of us.

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