Monday, January 11, 2010

(1/10) New bed

Last night we moved Dylon from his crib to a twin bed. The final goal is to move him into Braden's room and get the boys bunkbeds before the baby arrives. His room is a little crowded for the time (we left the crib in there ... just in case!), but he doesn't seem to mind.

We went shopping last week and he helped me pick out a new blanket for his big bed. We were also able to find the same material I used for Braden's comforter 2 1/2 years ago so we can make them to match for their shared room. Dylon was so excited that he climbed right in to the bed and layed down.

He talked and moved around a bit, but never got out of bed. And he slept all night long! Now we just have to wait and see if he truly is this easy or it was just a lucky start. He's always been our good sleeper and says thank you when you put him to bed, so maybe this is one battle we won't have to have with him!
Naptime today (1/11) went fairly well too. He played a bit, but after about 1 hour was sound asleep - again, never climbing out of the bed. I had to sneak in to take a picture -- so very cute!


Nan said...

hey there - fyi on your sidebar with baby girls 3d scan you have due may 24, 1010 instead of 2010 for the year. oops!

Chasaraben said...
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