Thursday, January 22, 2009

A new start!

I opened the blog to start this entry, and was shocked (and embarrassed) to find that I haven't blogged since the end of October! Yikes! Where has the past 2 1/2 months gone? I've had good "intentions" of sitting down and sharing what is going on in our life with all of you, but just haven't gotten around to it. Life seems to be a whirlwind for me and I can't quite keep up. But, I'll try to do better from here on. Let's say that this is a NEW start!

So, what has been keeping me so busy? Well, in November Chad received a job offer for a position with Wells Fargo in Denver and we accepted. So we cleaned house; packed up more than 1/2 of the house; staged the house; put the house on the market; Dylon got a serious respiratory viral infection; loaded the van and drove to Colo. Springs the beginning of December; Chad started his new job; returned the following weekend to WI for a wedding and to drive the Corolla to CO; Chad started living in Brighton and returning to us on the weekends; celebrated the holidays with family in Colo. Springs, dealt with more sickness and pink eye, went to Scottsbluff, NE for Christmas; setteld back into our new "home" with Pa & Ma in Colo. Springs (where we will be living until our WI house sells); endured a week of the flu as it passed through (no pun intended) all of us. Hmm, guess there has been a few big things going on in our lives!

So, what is going on in our day-to-day lives right now? The boys and I are adjusting to a slower pace of life. I am enjoying having more time to just hang out with these two precious little guys!
I love to watch them share the little people, drive their cars all over, and even fight over the trains. They are brothers in every sense of the word. It amazes me how quickly they can go from fighting to loving. Thankfully, the loving occurs much more often! Huge hugs, open mouth kisses from Dylon, Braden always having to find his "baby". What a joy to experience their relationship!

While we are finding joy in each other, we are also missing our friends in WI. We had true treasures there and I know that they can not be replaced. Braden has had a difficult time understanding the distance between CO and WI. He asks for his friends to come over and play, to see them at church, to share his toys with them .... And when we gently try to help him understand, it usually results in tears and a downcast face. I am thankful that he remembers these special people though and look forward to the new friends God will bring into our lives.

Chad is enjoying his new job. He loves the challenges and new experiences. He would love it more if he were able to come home to us at night though! We are looking forward to the day when our WI house sells and we are able to find a home here and all be together again. We'd appreciate your prayers that God would do this "FAST" (as Braden prays each night).

What else to share? Today, the boys and I went and had a picnic lunch with Ma. We then played on the church playground. Even as I write this, it seems amazing that we could be outside, without coats, in 60+ degree weather -- in JANUARY! I guess I've gotten used to WI winters ... this seems unreal! It was such a beautiful day. We had so much fun and are enjoying the memories we are making with grandparents here! It is a special blessing to be able to have so much time together after years of being apart!

1 comment:

Aimless Muser said...

Thanks for the updates! I had opened your page a few times and figured you had your hands too full to provide new posts. I'm not one to talk as mine has not been updated in as long. We do what we can, right? Keep taking great care of your family!