Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Missing Daddy

I had a "sad" day today. Definately missing my husband and best friend. It is hard to not be with him and share life together on a daily basis. And the boys miss him too. Dylon called for him in the car this morning all the way to church. "Da-Da" "DAaa - DAaa" To which Braden replied (over and over) "Daddy at work, Baby!". And at nap time today, Dylon called for his Dada for 40 minutes before drifting off to sleep. At least I'm not alone in my lonely heart! But, I'm thankful that I have an incredible husband and a wonderful daddy to my kids that we can and want to miss!

Dylon is growing and changing so much lately. He is walking around more and more. Still just across the room and then he tumbles down or lunges towards the arms of someone waiting for him. But, he's starting to enjoy it more. He is also talking and saying new words every day. Today he asked for Apples and Cookies. And of course his Brother! It is so fun to hear his little voice each day.

(2/2/09) Dylon is enjoying drawing on the aqua-doodle:
(1/30/09) Braden's bear pancake from Grandpa:


Chasaraben said...
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Chasaraben said...

Awe! Sad comments, but cute breakfast!!